Tuesday, June 13, 2017

John 14:6 6/13/2017*17*

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."

This is what Jesus said about Himself.  It was not a sales pitch, it was not sensitive, and it was not vague.  In fact it was so politically incorrect that it culminated in His execution.

Those who argue that all religions lead to the same god will find this offensive...and yet it is clear, concise, and from the mouth of Jesus.

To disagree you  must assume that God allowed His own Son to brutally die for our sins when it wasn't necessary.  You must conclude that there is more than one way to salvation.  And with these words, Jesus makes it clear there is not.

He is the way. Without Him you are lost.
He is the truth.  Anything that opposes Him is a lie.
He is the life. Without Him you die in your sin.
No one comes to God except through Christ. Period.

Some take offense, and ask why God would restrict our salvation to only one path?....The better question is, why did He give us a path at all?   Why did He sacrifice His Son to purchase us back after we chose to rebel?... and the answer to that question is incomprehensible love.

But Jesus was not a politician.  He was not trying to win approval with His statement. His words were not meant to offend, or appease...they are simply the truth. Your choice is to accept or deny, and that choice, will determine your eternal destiny.

It is time to abandon illogical arguments.  What Jesus said is either true, or it is not, there is no middle ground. If it is true, it requires a life changing response.

Give up the idea that you can somehow earn your righteousness, and instead humbly accept God's gift of grace through faith.  Jesus alone will show you the way, teach you the truth, and lead you to eternal life.

"God in his infinite mercy has devised a way by which justice can be satisfied, and yet mercy can be triumphant." - Charles Spurgeon

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