Tuesday, December 31, 2024

John 3:20-21 12/31/2024

“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds will not be exposed. But the one who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds will be revealed as having been performed in God.”

If you’re sensitive you might want to skip this one, because it is impossible to soften the message this passage delivers. It basically says we are either moths, or cockroaches… We either fly to the light or hide in the dark.  

Our reaction to light does not make us Christian, but it reveals what we worship.  Do we sit on the throne and design our own kingdom, or as servants of Christ, do we follow scripture?

Do I shine God’s light into every area of my life, or do I keep some dark corners for myself?  What about that one area that I know God’s word says is unacceptable, yet I continually take verses out of context and look for interpretations that dim the severity of the warning, allowing me to continue living in what God clearly calls sin? 

In our culture it is easy to find “cheerleaders” for various immoral activity.  There are “churches” who will block the light in any area you desire.  They offer a scriptural buffet, so you can pick and choose what commands of God you want to obey.  They shine the light on areas they agree with and allow complete darkness in areas they don’t want exposed. 

That has never been God’s offer.  His holiness is all encompassing and requires obedience.  If your conduct is determined only by scripture you agree with, you are not worshiping God, you are worshiping you. And therein lies the problem. Every human knows there is a God, but some have declared themselves for the job. 

The choice has been the same since the garden… Do you seek His will, or yours?  Do you ignore uncomfortable verses and dim the light in areas you want left undisturbed, or do you shine God’s word into every part of your life to insure it is what He designed it to be?  

Jesus is the light of the world, follow His word completely and it will lead you out of the darkness.

A moth, or a cockroach… you can’t be both.

“Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.” – A.W. Tozer

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Luke 2:10-11 12/24/2024

“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

How long will we continue to obsess over decorated trees, food, and gifts to the exclusion of the “good news” of Christmas? The food will just make you fat and tired, the gifts will be forgotten, but the good news is what brings GREAT JOY.   

Did you have joy last Christmas?... If not, then this year, read this passage again and change your focus.  You have a Savior who invaded this world of evil to redeem you and radically change your life. Don’t minimize that miracle with reindeer and candy canes.  

Christmas is the most important occurrence in the history of humanity, yet all we think about  are trinkets and decorations… Have you considered what you’re celebrating?  Do you realize that God launched a mission to save your soul two thousand years ago?  

If this is not your emphasis, change your focal point  … Make this your first real Christmas by letting the freedom purchased for you be a new beginning. His birth means you never have to live a meaningless, defeated life again. 

I am certainly no angel, but I have great news that will blow the lid off of your mundane life.  A Savior has been born behind enemy lines. Christmas was a tactical assault,  launched to free you from the chains of sin… God paid your debt.  You have been liberated and offered citizenship in Heaven with your Father who loves you.  That is the staggering  “good news” that changes everything.

Enjoy the family time, eat the pecan pie, have fun giving and getting gifts… But remember that is all just peripheral stuff we do to celebrate the birth of God’s Son, who came to earth so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life!

So, don’t be distracted by the lights, and presents …  The gift you are looking for isn’t under a tree … It was crucified on one.  Jesus is the gift that provides freedom, redemption,  and Great Joy! Open that gift this Christmas and your life will never be the same.

"Christmas is the day that holds all time together." - Alexander Smith

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

John 13:4-5 12/17/2024

“ he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”

I always think of my buddy Bruce when I read this passage.  Every day in whatever role he found himself, Bruce lived out what Jesus taught here…  He understood that Christ’s example in this passage eliminates our ability to avoid tasks we think are beneath us or inconvenient. 

My problem in this area is that I love the concept of washing feet a lot more than I love washing feet.  It is even more convicting when I noticed that Jesus was eating dinner at the time and got up to serve His disciples… So now I must be willing to do menial tasks even when they interrupt my plans. It is difficult for me to mesh my perception of “greatness” with a towel wrapped around my waste wiping off smelly appendages… But that just means I don’t get it… It means I don’t have the faintest idea of what greatness is.  

Make no mistake, I am happy to participate in service projects scheduled for appropriate times – where people can admire my selflessness. But unlike the King of Kings, I am seldom excited about interrupting my meal to help my friends… If you have a need, let’s check my calendar and see if it’s convenient for me.

The problem is that my viewpoint constantly has me in the center… Even if I feel convicted for not being enough of a servant - I am soon proud of myself for my conviction… ugh.  I think that’s why Jesus didn’t just talk about serving… He got up and did it.  I think He expects the same from us.

So, what’s your plan? Are you willing to pray for interruptions that allow you to serve others?  Will your lofty position stop you from getting your hands dirty?  What will happen this afternoon when you must choose between finishing your meal, or washing someone’s feet?

It’s pretty simple really, you can elevate yourself today by speaking eloquently about the needs of your neighbor, or you can grab a towel and start meeting them.

“What will you do today, Pick up your Title… or pick up a towel?”
– Bruce Hayes

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Ecclesiastes 2:1-2 12/10/2024

“I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure. So, enjoy yourself.” And behold, it too was futility.  I said of laughter, “It is senseless,” and of pleasure, “What does this accomplish?” 

Nelson Henderson said, “The true meaning of life is to plant trees; under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”  That’s a nice quote but it’s misleading.  Kindness and unselfishness towards others are evidence of a meaningful life, but they are only symptoms. They are byproducts of  WHY we were created.  This passage points out that when it comes to the meaning of life, we habitually chase appearances, instead of the actual source.

Solomon achieved everything we think makes life meaningful. Wealth, power, popularity…  He accomplished it all, won it all, and realized it was all meaningless. Yet when we read Ecclesiastes, where Solomon documents this failure, it doesn’t change our aim.  We continue to pursue trivial things in order to find meaning… build, buy, own, wisdom, pleasure… all just chasing the wind. And at the end of the chase, everyone finds out that nothing matters, except one thing. 

In the movie City Slickers, Curly points that out… but he thought the “one thing” was different for everyone. The fact is it is the same thing for all of us. We have all been designed for the same purpose… to have a beautiful, loving, eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Fellowship with God  is the reason you were created, and nothing will fill the void you feel except that relationship.

Concerning Henderson’s quote, any tree you plant will die and be forgotten, regardless of who sat under it. Furthermore, any trinket you purchase will rust; any accolades you receive will disappear. Those things can be enjoyable but true meaning is only found in an eternal relationship with your Heavenly Father… If you miss that, you miss it all.  

God created us for Himself, and our purpose is to walk hand in hand with Him daily.  That should start today, and never end. Embracing the fact that you belong to God and fully pursuing that relationship is the only thing that gives your life eternal meaning – anything else is the wrong target, and even if you hit it, will leave you disappointed. 

"… I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine"  - God  (Isaiah 43:1)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

John 12:9-10 12/3/2024

“But the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death also,  because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and were believing in Jesus.”

This verse made me laugh.  Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead,  and the best threat the chief priests could come up with was to kill him again?   What do you think Lazarus had to say about that? … Probably something like, “Really? … Again? …  You guys understand that doesn’t scare me, right? …  I’ve been there, and there, is better than here”. 

The priests are clearly the ones who are fearful here ...  I bet most would have rather heard Lazarus discuss the afterlife, instead of threatening him with more of it… How revealing is it that this groups ultimate threat was something that Jesus had already exhibited complete power and control over? 

As I imagine Lazarus’ attitude toward their attempts to intimidate him – I am challenged by it.  

Haven’t I too been released from the power of death?  Hasn’t death lost its sting in my life just as it had in Lazarus’?  I should be bolder, less intimidated, and less focused on the temporal,  as I have already begun my eternal life… I have died and been raised to walk anew in Christ…  The only thing  that physical death changes now, is location. 

These facts should change us.  As in this passage, are we so bold that it can be said that on account of us, many are going away and believing in Jesus?  If not, why not?  What are we afraid of?  Where is the courage we see in Lazarus after he was called out of death? Our salvation means we too have been called out of the grave to walk with Christ.  Based on that, shouldn’t we be more like Lazarus when this world is threatening?

My guess is, that the day after Jesus raised him, Lazarus’ “to-do” list looked very different than it did before… His fear and anxiety about worldly issues no doubt vanished as he walked out of that tomb… Maybe we should examine what we allow to frighten us, and what we plan to invest our time in today.  Let’s make sure that as people  who have already been delivered from death, we are fearlessly chasing what matters.

“Living in the light of eternity changes your priorities.” - Rick Warren