Tuesday, December 31, 2024

John 3:20-21 12/31/2024

“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds will not be exposed. But the one who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds will be revealed as having been performed in God.”

If you’re sensitive you might want to skip this one, because it is impossible to soften the message this passage delivers. It basically says we are either moths, or cockroaches… We either fly to the light or hide in the dark.  

Our reaction to light does not make us Christian, but it reveals what we worship.  Do we sit on the throne and design our own kingdom, or as servants of Christ, do we follow scripture?

Do I shine God’s light into every area of my life, or do I keep some dark corners for myself?  What about that one area that I know God’s word says is unacceptable, yet I continually take verses out of context and look for interpretations that dim the severity of the warning, allowing me to continue living in what God clearly calls sin? 

In our culture it is easy to find “cheerleaders” for various immoral activity.  There are “churches” who will block the light in any area you desire.  They offer a scriptural buffet, so you can pick and choose what commands of God you want to obey.  They shine the light on areas they agree with and allow complete darkness in areas they don’t want exposed. 

That has never been God’s offer.  His holiness is all encompassing and requires obedience.  If your conduct is determined only by scripture you agree with, you are not worshiping God, you are worshiping you. And therein lies the problem. Every human knows there is a God, but some have declared themselves for the job. 

The choice has been the same since the garden… Do you seek His will, or yours?  Do you ignore uncomfortable verses and dim the light in areas you want left undisturbed, or do you shine God’s word into every part of your life to insure it is what He designed it to be?  

Jesus is the light of the world, follow His word completely and it will lead you out of the darkness.

A moth, or a cockroach… you can’t be both.

“Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.” – A.W. Tozer

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