Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Proverbs 26:1 3/28/2017

"As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife."

Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

Some see it as a badge of honor to aggressively debate,  anyone who holds a different opinion. Truth and facts are not important, only winning matters, and if you destroy somebody in the process that's even better.  Social media has made arguing a spectator sport, it is our new form of entertainment.

However, scripture is clear that pain is the result of being argumentative.  Strife, and misery need fuel to exist,  and quarrelsome people provide it.  When you are around contentious people, the slightest provocation leads to an explosive response, like gasoline on a fire.

Have you bought into society's proposition that it is a sign of strength to always be ready to ignite a quarrel...or have you learned the art of snuffing out the flame?  Have you gone against the grain and learned to diffuse arguments rather than escalate them?

No doubt there are times when we must speak unpopular truth. But there is a difference in contending for what is right, and being contentious.

This week lets be peace-makers.  Let's pause before we react.  Instead of  our words being like metal on metal, let's wrap them in fur that won't cause sparks when received.  If we can come to the realization that understanding is as important as winning, we will learn to listen differently.  It might change our mind, but even if it doesn't, it will definitely change our tone.

....The power in what you say, lies in it's truth...not the volume in which it is said.

"It takes two to quarrel, but only one to end it."
Matthew Prior

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