Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Luke 22:57 9/29/2020*

“But Peter denied it. “Woman, I do not know Him,” he said.”

Peter was a leader among the disciples, a self-assured fisherman…The only human other than Christ to walk on water… He was a man’s man, who once cut a guys ear off while he was defending Jesus…And he swore to go to his grave protecting his Lord….Yet, here he denies Jesus because he is afraid of a servant girl.

How many of us are too much like Peter?

How many of us have accomplishments in our lives which make us believe we have something to offer God?  We think since we are disciplined - we can show God how worthy we are…but when we are challenged we collapse.

Peter…the man that Jesus named “The Rock” and said He would build His church on…crumbled under sin. Without the Holy Spirit, the “Navy Seal” of the disciples retreated when challenged by a young girl.

This verse is not intended to preserve Peter’s failure - but to speak to those of us who are too much like him.

It does not matter who the world thinks you are, you are a slave to sin without Christ.  Without the Holy Spirit you, like Peter, are a failure who is defenseless against temptation. 

If that were not true - the cross would not have been necessary - and if it were not necessary - it would never have happened. 

Peter was transformed by Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection – which paid his debt to sin and redeemed him – this was the only thing that could make him a vessel worthy of the Holy Spirit – and that is what changed him.  

It made Peter a fearless warrior who later, when condemned to be crucified, would demand to be turned upside down because he was not worthy to die like his King.

Man’s stumbling block is pride.. thinking we can do it on our own. But regardless of worldly achievement, we cannot…so we must die to ourselves so the Holy Spirit will live in us and permanently transforms us. 

This is the only path…The Holy Spirit is the seal of our salvation and He alone can give us real courage and change us from slaves to sin, into soldiers for God.  

“When we have the Holy Spirit, we have all that is needed to be all that God desires us to be.” - Aiden Wilson Tozer

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Romans 1:20 9/22/2020*

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” 

Our lack of belief is confusing… we are without excuse. God’s existence has been etched on our consciences by God Himself. 

Few will argue that there is not an “unexplained force out there”. Most even acknowledge elements of design in creation – They do this not to recognize God, but because even their stubborn unbelief has limits.

Something outside of science is needed for their theories to be reasonable. The “big bang” requires colliding particles …an explanation is needed as to where these come from, and why they were in motion?  Since there are no definitive answers – a force must be acknowledged… call it what you want, just don’t call it God.

Academia says they “believe in science” …but science does not offer anything to believe in… Science begins in the middle … However, the bible begins with “In the beginning” … making it a self-contained belief system. 

Scripture says the unseen has been seen - perceived “by that which has been made”. The phrase “His eternal power and Godhead” expresses the idea of an infinite God - and we have been made aware of His existence. 

Great Apes - though differing by one chromosome from us - have never been observed worshiping. Yet even the most primitive human cultures worshipped something… Why?

Because we are not apes…we are created in God’s image and He has placed an awareness of Himself inside of us. 

The problem this creates is that we are now without excuse. God exists… and He has made sure you know it. If you refuse to worship Him then you will stand and fall on your own merits. If you have sinned (and you have) His wrath is justified. 

But instead of wrath - God loves you and sent His Son to redeem you. 

Look at the evidence…acknowledge Him as God, and accept His grace …because when our life is over -  no one will say “I didn’t know”

 “I was at this time, like so many Atheists in a whirl of contradictions. I maintained that God did not exist. I was also very angry with God for not existing. I was equally angry with Him for creating a world.”

~ C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Daniel 6:10 9/15/2020*

“Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.”

Daniel had just learned that praying to God was a capital offense.  So, he went home and prayed “just as he had done before”. 

Daniel did not become filled with indignation and begin to pray as an act of civil disobedience.…He had been praying all along.  

He did not make a sign, or t-shirt about praying…or insult others on Facebook for not praying… He simply continued to talk to God as he had already been doing.

There is a difference in discipline and passion. Great men require both, but passion is common - discipline is rare.

It is normal for people to fight for their beliefs …but when the struggle begins many do not have power because they have lacked discipline prior to the battle.

Athletes do not begin training the day before the game – they work diligently long before the season starts… That is what qualifies them to play.  

In the same way if you want to be a warrior for God you must prepare before the fight arrives.  You should be in the habit of talking to God … You should have a routine of scripture reading, and memorization… constantly training as a soldier of the cross.

The day may come when you are commanded not to pray – or to bow to an idol.  If you have not been praying up until that point, you will not have the strength you need – You do not suddenly become a soldier when you are attacked – that is just when it becomes evident that you are one.

It is revealing that Daniel – even when condemned to die - is the only one in the narrative who was never anxious. He had walked with God – and regardless of the world’s actions - He would continue with God “just as he had done before”.  

There is strength in consistent discipline – and that strength is available to you - if you will make it your habit to daily spend time with God and prepare. 

“We must all suffer one of two things:  the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.” – Jim Rohn

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Matthew 28:20 9/8/2020*

“ I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

This verse is so familiar to us that we must be careful not to miss its impact.

The ascension of Jesus was at hand, so He looked at His disciples and said: “I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS” …. In the original language every word of that statement was emphatic. 

This was not a farewell. It was a declaration of a continuing presence from the Creator…. a promise of immeasurable importance. – offering a perfect relationship with God which had not been obtainable since the Garden. 

On the Cross, God turned His back on His own Son so He would never have to turn His back on you...because of that - Christ said -  I am with you now…and I will be with you forever.

Jesus’ statement was not only directed at Peter, James and the rest…He was talking to you and me.

This is our salvation statement…It is the anchor that holds us through the storm. “I am with you” is the promise that takes us from victim to victorious. It separates Christianity from religion…We are His temple. His presence resides with us - we are inseparable.

If you believe that Jesus is eternally with you – What power can harm you? Whether you are in a global crisis - or you are privately holding the hand of a terminally ill loved one…There is still that promise…YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

We all have moments when we feel abandoned…when our soul feels empty…but according to this scripture He is always there. 

He weeps with you when you are broken – He smiles when you rally back from your grief. -  He guards your heart when it breaks and catches the pieces to put it back together again. He laughs when you are joyful…. There are no paths that you walk alone. There is nothing that can separate you from Him …NOTHING.

What a great assurance...what a great foundation…What can intimidate you? You are loved – you are redeemed - and your salvation is permanent. 

Walk in the promise of Christ’s presence - and from that position of security confidently offer the love you undeservedly received from your Father - to those who don’t deserve it from you. 

“Do you not realize that the love the Father bestowed on the perfect Christ - He now bestows on you?”  - Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Judges 17:6 9/1/2020*

“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

This verse describes a time of idolatry and moral decline in Israel which mirrors what is emerging in America today.  We have lost our compass. There is no “True North” - every man does what is right in his own eyes.

This is called secular humanism and it is the path to national insanity.  

I don’t say that to be dramatic - it is simply a fact. 

When you declare that killing a child is ethical as long as the child is still in the womb – that is madness. 

When we physically attack people based on skin color, or opinions – that is lunacy.

Secular Humanism declares that man decides morality and that there are no absolutes…Of course, no one really believes this – if someone says they do, steal their wallet, and see is they think that’s “absolutely” wrong or not.

Yet we teach this self-centered ideology that when fueled by lack of biblical knowledge produces what we see on the news… anger and ignorance – and that is a dangerous mixture. 

Israel’s deterioration occurred just one generation after Moses - So societal decay does not take long. 

We must re-discover our compass. We must again teach right and wrong to our children…truth is not a moving target… it is God established and rigid.  

Young people in our country have been lied to…and the seeds of deceit are producing a bitter harvest.  We have removed “thus sayeth the Lord” from their education and we are paying the price.

We must teach biblical truth again. They must be told that there are consequences for sin…that arrogance and ignorance of scripture leads to destruction…and that our country’s only hope is to humble ourselves and return to God. 

Political parties do not set righteousness standards - they either adhere to them or they do not…. you should vote accordingly.  

But our aim must be to destroy the lie we have tolerated, that we are gods who establish our own truths. 

Eternal, unmovable, biblical truth is the key to freeing our society from secular humanism and it is our only hope to restore righteousness and freedom to our culture. 

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - Jesus