Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Isaiah 59:14-15 11/28/2023*

“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.” 

Written nearly 3,000 years ago, this passage is poetic, powerful, and prophetic… It is an accurate description of our culture today. 

A few years ago, “post truth” was the most searched phrase on the web. We have become that society. “Truth is nowhere to be found” and each man does what is right in his own eyes. We elect leaders who say what our itching ears want to hear, and we are reaping the harvest. Truth has “stumbled in the streets,” we can no longer even define it, and we are afloat in a sea of uncertainty.

Not only do we no longer seek truth … we don’t tolerate it.  Men of morality are vilified as haters. The world hates truth, so it calls truth hate, and those who preach it have become “prey”... They are hunted, slandered,  and canceled. Our culture demands silent compliance, so what can the church do about it?

How about we become rebels and spread the truth anyway. Let’s shine a light on sin regardless of the consequences.  Our timidness has emboldened the enemy, and as we sit silently, lies are repeated until they are accepted as truth. It is the emperor’s new clothes all over again, and someone is going to have to say something… Someone is going to have to speak the truth. 

However, “speak the truth” is not the entirety of God’s command... God says someone is going to have to “speak the truth in love”. I can easily become angry enough to speak the truth …. But can I love others enough to do it? Truth lands differently when it comes from a place of love.  

If I know people who are walking toward destruction, and I watch in silence so as not to offend …that is not love… But neither is screaming vitriol at them and hoping for their demise… So, speak hard truth today… Be accurate and don’t water it down…  but don’t use it as a weapon… use it as a rescue rope to save those who are drowning in a sea of deceit. 

“Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” - Henri Frederic Amiel

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

2 Peter 1:10-11 10/21/2023*

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choice of you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.”

Peter encourages us to be diligent to make certain of God’s calling and choice of us. That is a peculiar statement in light of other scripture.  The Word of God is clear that we are saved through faith, yet Peter says our diligent obedience makes it more certain… You don’t hear many sermons on this, yet Peter speaks of it almost casually.  

Salvation is by grace through faith, and that faith is a gift from God, so we have nothing to boast about. But this verse says our diligent practice of obedience confirms the certainty of that gift…  That’s confusing because in Romans, Paul refers to  his own “good works” as rubbish in acquiring salvation.  

So how do we unite these two passages?

Let’s approach it this way… The appearance of apples on a tree… is not what makes it an apple tree, it simply proves that it is one.  In the same way, our conduct is not what makes us Christians, but it offers proof that we are.

Christians aren’t perfect and are still badly in need of grace, but our faith is confirmed as we strive to be more like Christ… “Fire insurance” salvation, where you walk the aisle, recite a prayer, and just continue down the same road, is not found in scripture.

Jesus said, "follow me", and that means changing direction. Grasping the relationship between obedience and salvation is challenging. But study it anyway… As you grow consume the meat of the Word, not just the milk. Dig deep into scripture. Verses like this can be uncomfortable but our goal is not comfort… it is holiness. Christ offers to be your Lord and Savior; and those titles are inseparable – so be diligent about His calling. 

As you grapple with Omnipotence, Holiness, and the myriad of other topics in scripture that can be hard to understand, make sure that you spend as much time obediently living out the things in His Word that you do understand. 

“The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are opposite sides of the same coin.” - A. W. Tozer

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

John 16:26-27 11/14/2023*

”In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.”

In this passage Jesus clarifies that your salvation is personal… You should approach God as your Father. He desires to speak with you... Let me clarify… God wants to talk to you.  

It would have been a benevolent gesture had God just sent an interpreter. Someone who could bring our petitions to Him… Any opportunity to communicate with God would have been a blessing beyond measure.  

But God did much more than that… He sent a sacrifice to destroy the separation between us … His gift imputed holiness to you and created a way for you to have a relationship with Him.  

But the most astonishing part - is WHY He did it... 

God did all this because He loves you… That is staggering.  That statement is so outlandish that Jesus had to clarify it by saying  “I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father Himself loves you...”  

Maybe we’ve been told that God loves us too many times… so many times that  we don’t really hear it anymore ... the statement should make us shudder… It is a shocking truth that should leave us stunned every time we hear it.  Being told that God, who knows your every thought, mistake, and shameful failure …  looks at you with love, should bring you to your knees.  

God allowed His Son to be executed for your transgressions… That is the ultimate demonstration of love. Because you love Jesus and believe that He came from God  - The Father Loves YOU. 

That’s the gospel… That’s life changing grace … In the midst of the storm, when the world says you’re not enough,  wrap your head around the fact that your faith in Jesus has given you new life, and that God adores you… Let that give you confidence and change how you approach God, and how you treat others.  

“We should be astonished at the goodness of God, stunned that He should bother to call us by name, our mouths wide open at His love, bewildered that at this very moment we are standing on holy ground.” ― Brennan Manning

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

ISAIAH 2:22 11/7/2023*

“Take no account of man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”

In this age of “influencers” attempting to sell you a template for your life… this verse is good advice… Stop looking to other humans for guidance, value, or self-esteem.

We frantically chase after diets, workouts, jobs, clothes… anything that we think can cover our insecurities… and worse, we think we are the only ones who feel that way.  This self-doubt is reinforced every time we look at our phones and see all our perfect “friends” with their perfect jobs, marriages, and lives. 

This verse says that that perception is a lie… They are in the same boat as you. Most are searching for meaning, and living their life “one escape after another”… This verse says that, just like you, they are 30 seconds away from needing their next breath just to continue living.  

Maybe that is why God has us breathe 22,000 times a day. To remind us that life is a fragile gift, and 22,000 times a day we should be grateful for it.

We should use more of those breaths to thank Him since every rich, powerful, famous person on earth would give everything they own – just for that next breath. 

So, it makes no sense to esteem people who are in the same predicament as you are… Why look to them for guidance?... They are searching for control they will never find – so why follow them?  Instead follow the one who breathed life into you in the first place. Look to Him to establish your value and give you direction. 

We are all running the same race… sinners in need of redemption which we cannot afford. “Self-help” is a misnomer… We need help from power not found within ourselves. Salvation is a gift only found through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  

Love everyone – envy no one. Stop looking for life models online, in clubs, or in the rich and famous …That’s all just smoke and mirrors.  

Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He came to give you life abundantly.  Your value and security come from walking humbly with God and following His Word… everything else is just a distraction.

“Religion says earn your life. Secular society says create your life. Jesus says, 'My life for your life. - Timothy Keller