Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Deuteronomy 8:2 12/25/2018*

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

An often-quoted verses regarding Israel’s time in the wilderness is Numbers 32:13 “The LORD's anger burned against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness for forty years”.

To us the word “wander” implies being lost, but that was not the case for Israel.  This verse in Deuteronomy states that God was leading them during that time.

Israel was suffering the consequences of their iniquity. They were enduring the penalties for their sin…. but they were not abandoned, and they were not alone. God was leading them every step of the way.

At times during the Christmas holidays, we can feel alone.  Our failures seem to be highlighted. When we have time to reflect, the consequences of our sin appear magnified.

As others celebrate, it is easy to fall into sadness and depression thinking our failures have ruined relationships and circumstances beyond repair.

But while sin causes hurt, God does not waste pain. And while at times we feel lost, God is still leading our journey and there is purpose in the struggle.

The nation of Israel felt lost and hopeless, but God stilled loved them.  He led them, met their needs, and protected them as their hearts were being tested and strengthened.

If you are “wandering” during this season take comfort in the fact that God is with you…There is still a plan and you are still part of it.

Humble yourself and examine your heart. Keep his commands and know that there is a purpose in the pain.

Cling to the fact that nothing can diminish the bond you have with your Heavenly Father and find peace in knowing you are not lost…He is with you, and He is leading you through the wilderness.

“Sometimes life takes you into a dark place where you feel it's impossible to breathe. You think you've been buried, but don't give up, because the truth is, you've actually been planted.”
― Karen Gibbs

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Luke 19:10 12/18/2018*

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Jingle bells, hot chocolate, and snowmen are a great part of the holiday season… but this verse details the actual meaning of Christmas.

Jesus wasn’t sent to improve your life. He didn’t come to advance your situation, or to give you techniques to develop your career.

He came on a rescue mission. To seek and to save you … and the reason you needed seeking and saving is because you were lost. Not just a little confused or off course…you were utterly and completely lost.

So, God sent a solution. He sent a Savior. Jesus isn’t an addition to your life, He is your Redeemer.  He has completely altered your identity and destination and that is the true message of Christmas.

You were imprisoned and in great danger. You were in a hopeless situation that was unsolvable with your own strength.  And on a Holy night 2000 years ago a mission was launched to rescue you.

A child was born who would grow up and die for you.  Not to make you better, but to make you new....a clean slate with “paid in full” stamped on your old ledger. To give you a Redeemed life with a new direction and purpose.

If you are just looking to improve your situation by adding things to your life, then watch the shopping network, and infomercials.  But if you have realized that you need a Savior. If it has dawned on you that you need to be reborn and made new.  Then fall to your knees and thank God for Christmas.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” …and you and I were lost… but Christmas morning He came to find us, pay our debt, and set us free.

“The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. “- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

2 Corinthians 9:7 12/11/2018*

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

God doesn’t need your money. 

When it comes to giving, it is you that has a need… There is a freedom in joyful giving that God loves to see in His children.

“Generosity” is a lifestyle that produces happiness for both the recipient and the contributor.

When our kids were young, we had a fun Christmas tradition. We would give them an envelope of cash entitled “Nacho” money. They would pray about it… and give it away.  

Maybe to a church, a ministry, a friend, someone on the street…it didn’t matter, whatever the Spirit of God put on their heart to do with the money…that is what they did.

They loved it…it taught them to be cheerful givers and helped them realize that through generosity they received more than they gave. 

If you haven’t learned yet that all of it is “Nacho” money… that none of it really belongs to you…then you are missing a great joy in life.

This Christmas focus on giving instead of getting.  Create special, individualized gifts for people in your life.  Put love and forethought into the process creating something that really illustrates your love for them. 

Consider all the organizations, people, churches, and groups that you want to bless with extravagant monetary gifts and do that as well.

When January arrives…just keep going. Support your church. Support your friends. Make it your life business to find those in need and help them.

God loves a cheerful giver and your joy will increase exponentially if you discover the freedom found in joyful generosity. 

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” -  Anne Frank

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Isaiah 43:1-2 12/4/2018*

 “…I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…”

Loneliness and unhappiness can be a heavy load to bear.  Feeling like you are all alone can at times feel suffocating.

The world can isolate you…its harsh judgments and cold neglect can take away any feeling of self-worth, and the enemy will attack and lead you to a place of fear and hopelessness.

But that place is a lie.

God has no desire for you to be alone and the bible is the story of what He has done to reunite you to Himself.  Christmas, the Cross, the Resurrection…all combine for the sole purpose of restoring the fellowship He desires to have with you.

The truth is you are God’s chosen…He adores you.  He specifically called you by your name. There is no greater value than to be treasured by God.

The enemy’s greatest fear is that you will realize this and use the strength that is rooted in that truth.  Your royalty is your strength. If you can remember God’s adoration for you it will fill you will joy and confidence and direct your vision outward. 

God didn’t issue a general call…He didn’t summon a group. He sent you a private invitation…. He called you by your name… He loves you and cherishes time with you…God enjoys your company and longs to throw His arms around you and shower you with the love of a Father for His child.

Nothing you face today can change that. You are His, and whatever you go through today He will go through it with you … you are not alone.

Rest in that. Take His hand and set out today to rescue others who have believed the lie.  The truth in this verse is clear …you belong to God.

He is a faithful friend – a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

-      Dwight L. Moody