Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Matthew 22: 36- 40 2/23/2021*

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus highlights “loving your neighbor” by including it in His answer, even though it was not part of the question … While the church has rightfully focused on loving God …our response to loving our neighbor has often been to look for loopholes. 

In Luke chapter 10, a lawyer asked Jesus, “who is my neighbor?”  What he meant was, “who do I have to love?” …or more to the point “who do I NOT have to love?” Instead of reducing the number of people who qualify … Jesus flipped the question, making it the lawyer’s obligation.
Jesus told a story about a mugging victim and discussed how different people responded when they came upon him injured … He did not tell the lawyer how to identify a neighbor – he told him how to be one.

Jesus basically said - it is your problem – being someone’s brother is “on you” … it is your responsibility, not theirs. You cannot limit who you love by race, occupation, political affiliation, or even how they treat you …you are to be a neighbor to everyone God puts in your path. 

Love them like you love yourself…THAT is the second greatest commandment - and Jesus said it is like the first.
The importance of brotherhood is in our DNA… In Genesis - God said, “it is not good for the man to be alone" - and that is not just talking about marriage.  

Psychologists who study solitary confinement say that it "destroys people as human beings."  Lack of community can cause anxiety- panic- Depression- Anger- Cognitive disturbances- etc.  If we ever doubted that isolation is dangerous, the statistics from this pandemic have made it crystal clear… As God said, “It Is Not Good.”

Stop looking for someone who looks like you to be your neighbor. Just love the people God has placed around you. It is not up to others to be your neighbor…it is up to you to be theirs. 

“If someone says, “I love God,” and yet he hates his brother or sister, he is a liar” – John (1 John 4:20)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Daniel 2:46-49. 2/16/2021*

“Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel and gave orders to present to him an offering and fragrant incense. The king answered Daniel and said surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings ...”

King Neb almost gets it ... but then misses it completely (he will understand later). But for now he pays homage to Daniel instead of God - He acknowledges God, but continues to pursue his own idols supposing that he now has Daniels God “on call” if needed.

All of Nebuchadnezzar‘s actions are about advancing Nebuchadnezzar.  He is willing to recognize God if it promotes his agenda and will gladly acknowledge any god that helps him get what he wants.....

Does that sound familiar?

On the other hand Daniel gets it completely. 

He seeks to serve God - not to have God serve him. He understands the glory of God and pursues it relentlessly. He is obedient to God’s word whether it is popular or not and will not be swayed by positive or negative public opinion.

 It is hard as Christians when we are insulted - but often the hardest thing to endure his complements without being distracted 

Daniel is praised by the mightiest Ruler on the planet. His career skyrockets - and by all accounts he is a celebrity - MVP of the kingdom.

But it does not catch his eye...Daniel doesn’t take the bait. He remains humble - spiritually disciplined - pushes all credit and glory to God and never lets the approval of man become an idol.

So, which one looks most like you?

Each day who do you magnify? The only person who knows the answer to that question is you. But like those in this passage, your life will play out based on which path you take 

You cannot serve two masters.  Reject self exaltation and relentlessly chase after exalting God. 

The freedom found by not worrying about the opinions of others will be life-changing. But you must be prepared to ignore both insults and flattery - and not allow anything to move your eyes off the prize 

Bob Dylan said you “got to serve somebody” - so decide. Who will you promote today? 

There is no riding the fence. You will pursue God’s glory - or your own - Will you seek approval from God - or approval from others?

“What other people think of you is none of your business” -  Regina Brett

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

PSALM 139:13,14,16 2/9/2021*

13 You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. …16 Your eyes have seen my formless substance; And in Your book were written All the days that were ordained for me...”

This passage is not only a strong statement against abortion - it is a mind-blowing declaration from God that should impact our confidence daily.

It exposes the fallacy of self-loathing, or dissatisfaction with our body, appearance, intellect, or abilities. 
You did not just happen; you were MADE…you were created.  And criticizing the design of the art, is a direct insult to the artist. 

God is the most imaginative artist/engineer/designer to ever exist. Each part of you was precisely woven in your mother’s womb and there was not one oversight or mistake. Every strand of DNA was carefully placed to make you, who you are.

Furthermore, God did not just create you and walk away - He wrote and is directing the script of your life…each moment of every day is supervised. He is with you…. Nothing is beyond His divine omnipotence? 
How many times have you looked back on your life and understood the Will of God - when it was impossible to grasp as it unfolded?  Rest in God’s track record, and if you cannot see His plan yet…Trust His proven love.

You are the only “you” God made.  You have been awesomely and wonderfully created. Stop listening to voices that discount your value - you are uniquely equipped for your specific mission.

The objective is not about you or me…it is about the Glory of God.  Do not pursue self-esteem – but do not tolerate the thought that your creator was careless in your design…The One who loves you is in complete control. 

Today is ORDAINED for YOU to glorify God. No one else can do what you have been called to do…You were made for such a time as this.  So, go out confidently and bring glory to your King.

“When the Lord lays His hand upon a man, that man ceases at once to be ordinary. He immediately becomes extraordinary, and his life takes on cosmic significance. The angels in heaven take notice of him and go forth to become his ministers (Hebrews 1:14)”
 - John Piper

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

PSALM 23:2 2/2/2021*

“He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.”

We often spend our days controlled by anxiety…because we choose to… That seems like an abrupt statement but examine it before you disagree. 

This psalm says that God ‘s shepherding affords us the opportunity to lie down in peace and plenty. To refresh our thirst in quiet waters --- if we will do it.
Life is full of challenges – tough situations - but we should be the most unflappable people on the planet. The bible says people will know we are Christians by our love…but perhaps the second most distinguishing characteristic should be serenity. While the world panics and wrings their hands - we should be different. 

One of the most important evangelism tools you have is peacefulness. Why would anyone be interested in your God if you are just as unhinged as they are?

Paul asked the question in Roman’s “If God is for us who can be against us?”. …. It is a rhetorical question intended to show the absurdity of our fear.  If God is your protector – what danger do you think troubles Him? 
As I wake up this morning I can be in green pastures regardless of my circumstances.  My God is with me, inviting me to walk with Him today in perfect protection.  He will provide my needs if I will follow Him and not try to control what I believe is threatening me.

Have you ever seen a sheep charge a wolf to fight him on his own?  Does that seem like a good plan to you?...Then why are we constantly doing it? 

Rest in the shadow of your Guardian.  Keep in Mind that He loves you and created you to abide with Him, in His full protection…and relax in that blessing. 
Remember that the Eastern Shepherds referred to here - never drive their sheep, they lead them. So, follow Your Shepherd today and He will provide safety. 

Listen to His voice and He will lead you to green pastures beside still waters…and the world will notice a difference in your countenance.

Your job then, is to be prepared, and when they ask about it – be ready to share the truth that sets men free.
“Peace doesn't mean that you will not have problems. Peace means that your problems will not have you.”
- Tony Evans