Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Proverbs 6:6-8 7/28/2020*

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!  It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.”

Self-discipline seems to be disappearing. Our culture is becoming entitled and less willing to work. That attitude is not supported in scripture. If you believe that life is supposed to be easy, or that the world owes you something – then you and the bible disagree.

Scripture says we are to be responsible for ourselves and others. We are meant to work. Daily doing things that will produce a harvest not waiting for someone else to take care of us.

That may not seem compassionate, but there is a difference in being compassionate and enabling…Compassion for others is helpful. Enabling laziness is debilitating and destructive.

But don’t worry about applying this verse to others - because God wrote it to you.  You need to be disciplined. Like the Ant, you need a game plan and a way to implement it… starting today.

Working at the office… working remotely…or looking for a job…You need structure and routine.  Get up early and meet with God – turn off all distractions and focus…don’t wait for others to lead you…lead yourself. 

Discipline is taking small steps that lead to great destinations and it is life changing…The greatest athletes are the most disciplined. Successful entrepreneurs thrive on discipline.  Effective fathers and husbands are those who discipline themselves to the task. 

You will never be excellent by accident.

It may not seem like it, but the kindest thing I can say to you is stop wasting time wishing for things, and discipline yourself to achieve them. 

There are no short cuts. A mansion is built one brick at a time, so put a brick in place today…and tomorrow place another one. Never tolerate self-pity… no one can steal your discipline, so use it to build your dreams. 

Write down specific goals in every area of your life… layout steps needed to achieve those goals…then every day, take those steps.  

If you are not disciplined enough to commit to a year…commit to a day…and tomorrow you can commit again. 

“The best DO sweat the small stuff. They get the seemingly insignificant details right. They have the discipline to focus on the small things which gives birth to spectacular giant things.” -  Robin S. S

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Matthew 22:29 7/21/2020*

“Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”"

This was the answer given by Jesus when the Sadducees tried to trap Him with a question about Heaven… the answer applies to us as well.

When we are in error it is usually because: We either do not know scripture – or we do not grasp the power of God.

Both problems occur because, like the Sadducees, we don’t want to know the truth. We are more inclined to change the truth to fit our lives – than our lives to fit the truth.

Real unmovable truth is found in scripture. Yet we seldom look there… We are well versed on the stock market – political scandals – the latest on Covid – but we do not know scripture because we do not make it a priority.

If you doubt this, consider whether you are more likely to go a day without social media - or a day without the Word of God? Do you live like you believe “All scripture is God breathed”? (2nd Timothy 3) ... or do you “cherry pick” verses that don’t offend or inconvenience you by demanding change?

Jesus said basically the Sadducees were in error because when it came to scripture - they didn’t know what they were talking about…. Do we? 

What inaccuracies exist in our lives because we don’t spend time studying the Word of God? How can we be too busy to read instructions written by the Creator? Our lack of knowledge is a fatal flaw.

The Sadducees second problem was that they had forgotten Who they were dealing with… they had underestimated the power of God.

There is no box big enough to contain God. …. When we try to put Him in one - we make inaccurate assumptions about Who God is - and what He can do. This leads to anxiety and poor decisions.

Decide to treat scripture as the most important information you will receive today - and make disciplined study a non-negotiable priority…Be cognizant of the fact that the One who wrote it is unfathomably powerful.

Understanding Scripture - and recognizing the power of God…Neglecting either of these will lead to a life of error.

“We were given the Scriptures to humble us into realizing that God is right, and the rest of us are just guessing.”
― Rich Mullins

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

1 Peter 4:8 7/14/2020*

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

Sometimes we make this harder than it has to be…This doesn’t say agree with everyone.  It doesn’t say make sure everyone thinks like you think…it says love each other.

In fact, it acknowledges that people will make mistakes, even sin…and yet love covers them. 

When Julie and I were preparing for our wedding Tommy Nelson made a statement that stuck in my mind. He said when he counsels couples with problems he can tell immediately how difficult it will be to reconcile.

If there is a hardness - like metal on metal – things will be challenging. But if there is softness - like rabbit fur hitting rabbit fur – almost anything can be worked out.

Our society has become metal on metal – any little bump creates a permanent dent.  Any collision of concepts wrecks relationships.  We hold our political affiliations like battle flags…We wear our beliefs like game jerseys and if yours is different than mine you are the enemy.  We have completely abandoned the concept of biblical love.

This verse says there is something stronger than political convictions. There is something more important than our feelings…This verse says ABOVE ALL – love each other. 

And it’s not referring to a shallow “I love him, but I don’t like him” kind of love….it says to love each other deeply…And then it tells you why – because love is the rabbit fur of relationships.

It prevents permanent dents and scratches…It allows for differences without division. It prevents a sin from permanently separating people…. How can we as Christians not be different than the rest of the world in this?

Jesus knew the rich young ruler would walk away from Him in disagreement – but loved Him anyway. He didn’t lower the bar of holiness – He didn’t redefine sin to make him comfortable… they never agreed - but Jesus still loved him.

We are to do the same… love each other deeply.  

The most powerful force on the planet is at your disposal. You have been commanded to direct that force generously at each other…If you do this it will change your life, and our society. 

It may not change people’s votes…but it could change their eternity.  

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  - Jesus

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Proverbs 24:16 7/7/2020*

“For though a righteous man may fall seven times, he still gets up; but the wicked stumble in bad times.”

Theology matters.

Righteousness is not about never making mistakes. It is not about living a pristine life. According to this verse it is about tenacity…And that is where theology comes into play. 

If you read the bible as a self-help book to make yourself “better” - you have missed the point. There is no “better” – there is only dead in your sin or redeemed.

Everything in the bible points to the fact that we are not capable of righteousness on our own....  Everything in our arrogant hearts tells us that we are … Either you heart, or your bible is wrong…you need to decide.

Does God love you because you are good… or do you strive for goodness because God loves you?...One path leads to frustration and the other leads to victory and redemption.

Jesus died to make you holy…If there was any other way God would not have paid that price.

That was the only solution because we had all have fallen “short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). “But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). Because “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ ...” (Romans 6:23)

If you try to earn salvation you will fall short and in frustration, blame God, and become angry.  However, if you accept the gift God offers - you will be given a righteousness that is indestructible.

This gift is what allows you to fall down over and over … and get up and keep going. This amazing grace makes you new each morning. There is no scale of justice…there is no keeping score…there is only mercy.

That is the gospel – The good news is you can be completely holy.  Through the blood of Jesus, you can be unbreakable.

So, do you want to be relentless? –Then get good theology….

Turn from your sin…Surrender to Christ, accept His holiness, and follow Him. Stop polluting your deliverance with self-centered hypocrisy and free yourself to love as you have been loved.

Then and only then, will you be a righteous man who is unstoppable.

“The saints shall persevere in holiness, because God perseveres in grace.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon