Tuesday, December 27, 2022

1 Peter 2: 1-3 12/27/2022*

1 Peter 2: 1-3

"Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, and like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word…”

That’s a pretty tall order to start the year.  Taking out the trash of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander - and replacing them with God’s Word.

I looked up the garbage to know what to get rid of:  Malice is the intention to do evil. Deceit is lying with words or actions. Hypocrisy is claiming to have morals to which you do not conform. Envy is feeling discontent because of someone else's position or possessions. Slander is lying and damaging a person's reputation. 

That’s a  lot to tackle …you may not have all of them but if you’re like me, you have most  - and there are a couple of favorites. When I struggle with things on this list the common thread seems to be selfishness…and a lack of concern for others.

If this year is going to be any better than last year, I  need to vomit those spiritual toxins out of my system and replace them with the pure milk of the Word of God…I need to consistently read the bible…you probably do to. 

So, you can respond to this in one of three ways:

1. Disagree, in which case next year will look a lot like this year.

2. Agree, and think to yourself that you should change some things…in which case next year will look a lot like this year.

 3. Or you can call a couple of friends and say “Let’s commit to read through the bible together a chapter a week. Let’s create a thread and every morning read a passage of scripture and text our thoughts to each other to encourage and hold each other accountable”. 

…IF you do that.  It will change next year…and it will change your life. 

Few New Year’s resolutions really change anything …but this one will.  Jesus said we live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so let’s study what God says.   The world will provide junk food for your soul daily. If you really want to change, you must  intentionally consume the pure milk of the gospel which will provide what your soul needs to flourish. 

“A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”

― Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Proverbs 12:1 12/20/22*

“One who loves discipline loves knowledge, but one who hates rebuke is stupid.”

I tried to ignore this verse but no matter how I look at it - the bible just called me stupid.  It is no secret that I don’t love discipline  - and I usually hate it when I am rebuked.

So, what should I do now?... My natural reaction to being called stupid, is to call the accuser stupid, and argue with them… (intelligent response, right?)… or I can ignore them and assume they don’t know what they’re talking about. However, neither of those paths are open to me when it is scripture that implies my lack of intellect.

So, the only reasonable response to this, is for me to decide to stop being stupid…I need to contemplate this verse until I find a way to love discipline and stop hating it when I am corrected.

There is a way to get there if I will appreciate the effects that discipline has produced in my life. The only way to welcome rebukes is if I consider the improvements I have seen when I have heeded them.

But there is a huge hurdle that I must overcome ….Pride.

Pride is the ridiculous notion that I know it all…That I don’t need a press box coach who can help me see things from different vantage points. Pride would argue that those close to me cannot see flaws that I have overlooked, and that I don’t need their input.

What protects my pride is a lack of confidence in myself that makes me instantly defensive when I am questioned. 

If I will simply remember that I have grown in the past when people have pointed out things I needed to change – It will accelerate my progress in the future.

Do I really want to be wise … or do I just want people to think I’m wise? That is what it boils down to… Only humility and confidence will allow me to appreciate constructive criticism. That is the only way my reaction to reprimands can become thoughtful consideration – instead of knee-jerk argumentativeness. To gain wisdom, I must admit that I still have things to learn.

Of course, there is always plan B -  I could just keep being stupid… I guess the choice is up to me. 

“Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.” – John Wayne


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

ISAIAH 9:6&7 12/13/2022*

“For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace… The zeal of the LORD of armies will accomplish this.”

This passage predicts the first Christmas and defines Jesus as the Triune God. One God - Father, Son, and Spirit.  

That’s important… Jesus’ own words clarify that He is not a prophet. Jesus said “I, and the Father are one”,  “if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father”… Nor does the Bible teach that God created Jesus, who later became a god with many others. Scripture teaches that there is only one eternal God, and He is called …Father, Son, Counselor, Lord, Prince of Peace….

Although One God with numerous titles is difficult to comprehend, God doesn’t feel the need to limit Himself based on our ability to understand… And many have been deceived insisting that God fit into a box they can explain. Don’t be misled trying to fit the bible into your opinion…fit your opinion into the Bible.

This passage also foretells of Jesus’ mission. His birth, death, and resurrection offer peace and good will to men. His second coming will establish His Kingdom.  

His return will not be as a child in a manger, but as The Zealous Lord of Armies accompanied by a multitude of Angels… It will be an incursion.

These verses remind me of the scene in Tombstone when Kurt Russell yells, “You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!” 

That threat pales in comparison to the message being delivered here by Isaiah … It is as though he is saying: 

“You tell ‘em Jesus is coming back! And all Heaven’s coming with Him, you hear! Heaven’s coming with Him!”

God came as a baby to bring peace. His second coming will be as The Mighty Warrior God with a battalion of angels to restore righteousness. Accept His love today and be adopted as a child of God so you will rejoice when Jesus comes back…because all Heaven’s coming with Him.

“Next time it will be God without disguise; so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side.” – C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Exodus 6:12 12/6/2022*

“…Moses replied, “If the Israelites will not listen to me, then why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I am unskilled in speech?”

God must find that annoying.  The man He chose to lead the Jews and deliver them from slavery, now has issues with God’s strategy.  The leader He prepared from birth is now balking at the gameplan. 

The Red Sea and other miracles are yet to come… But God wasn’t asking Moses to do anything supernatural…just talk to Pharaoh. Instead, Moses grumbles that even his own people don’t pay attention to him…why would Pharaoh listen?

If you’re like me, and that sounds like something you might say when challenged – then there are three lessons, we need to learn this morning:

1. God’s plan can be difficult – push through it. 

I know that doesn’t sound theological or compassionate, but 1 Peter basically says don’t be surprised in this life when you get hit in the mouth…We live in a fallen place and trials happen… But it also says don’t worry because Jesus is bigger than whatever hit you. 

Be ready for it…take the hit…and keep on going.  

2. God’s plan can be frightening – do it anyway.

Giving an unpopular lecture to Pharaoh was a dangerous thing to do…Moses had no speechmaking skills, that wasn’t in his wheelhouse…and a mistake could be lethal.  But God said do it anyway. Sometimes your plans and Gods won’t match up – choose His.

3. God uses flawed men to do marvelous things – saddle up.  

This is the big lesson. Don’t hide your fear under false humility. Moses wasn’t humbly stating that he wasn’t a good speaker, he was saying he was afraid to speak. He was bowing to fear – and fear doesn’t come from God.  

Moses didn’t believe he was qualified – and he wasn’t.  That is part of what qualified him… If you think your competent to do what God has called you to do,  you probably have either overestimated your abilities - or underestimated Gods plans. 

Trust me, you’re not prepared for His vision – but fortunately it won’t be accomplished by your strength.  The Lord intends to do far more than you could ever ask for or imagine.

God doesn’t need you to be ready or capable…He just wants you to trust Him and show up.

"Courage is being scared to death ... and saddling up anyway." 

~ John Wayne

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

PSALM 19:7-10 11/29/2022*

“The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”

God has provided directives that are steadfast and true …. The question is do you plan to follow them?

God has given laws, testimony, precepts, and commandments that make the way clear. Unfortunately, our culture has deemed many of these to be strange, and offensive. We have “corrected” God and altered His instructions. Some denominations have gone so far as to formally reject God’s teachings and “cherry pick” the laws that better fit their lifestyle.

The church has its finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and has started following instead of leading. Our pastors have replaced laws with suggestions, testimony with opinions, and commandments with recommendations. Fear of the Lord has become unfashionable, and wisdom has become exceedingly rare.   

It is understandable when those who have no compass drift off course, but the church is without excuse. The commandments of God are clear, and our detours are not unintentional, they are rebellion.

The laws of God are nonnegotiable. Facts don’t change based on our opinion of them, and truth doesn’t adjust to fit societal norms… The laws of nature say that if you put your hand in a fire you will get burned…you may disagree, but your opinion doesn’t change the truth – and you will become aware of that as soon as you choose to ignore it.

God’s laws are the same. The Bible explains God’s love for you and tells you how to enjoy this miraculous life He has provided you. It also tells you how to avoid being burned by sin.   

Follow His laws - or don’t - the choice is yours…But know that ignoring The Truth doesn’t change it…You can disagree, be offended, or even outlaw it – but the fact remains that if you put your hand in the fire you will quickly realize that God is telling the truth - and that His laws are not there to burden you, they are there to protect you.

"The Law of God sends us to Christ in order that we might be saved, and Christ returns us to the Law to frame our way of life." - Alistair Begg 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Colossians 1: 9-10 11/22/2022*

“For this reason we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,  so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord…”

What was the “reason” Paul was praying for the church in Colossae? Were they organizing a revival?  Was there a planned membership drive?

Nope - He was praying unceasingly that those who had received salvation would grow in faith and obedience. 

Today we sometimes act as though our job is completed once someone accepts Christ … We tend to measure success as a church by how many “decisions” are made.  Those are marvelous numbers to hear - but this passage says that is the beginning…not the goal.

It seems we might be spiking the ball in celebration after the kickoff not realizing the game has just begun. Commitments are wonderful and we are saved by faith alone, but we are saved to honor God and lead others to Him. The great commission is to make disciples, not just converts.

Paul prayed that God would fill them with knowledge through the Holy Spirit which would transform them…allowing them to walk in a manner Worthy of The Lord.

The focus is not only to turn around, but to live in a way that removes all doubt that you have been redeemed. Christianity is a team sport…We are one body, with one goal and must pray continuously for each other. 

Do you pray for your Christian friends to produce fruit? ….Or do you only pray for the lost?  In this passage Paul asks God to help Christians in the church to chase what matters. 

The target is creating disciples…followers…changed people.  People who have been born again and glorify God with their lives.

Absolutely, pray earnestly for your friend’s salvation, but when that prayer is answered, continue praying, and start discipling those friends so that they can grow in knowledge affirming their salvation by walking closer to God each day.

When our life on earth is over, and we have faithfully led others into the arms of Jesus and helped them walk in a way worthy of Him….Then we can spike the ball.

“Conversion is turning onto the right road. The next thing to do is to walk on it.”— Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

PSALM 34:8-9 11/15/2022*

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!  Fear the Lord, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no lack of anything.”

What a powerful Thanksgiving passage.  

Is that how we approach worship? Do we Taste and see that the Lord is good?  Do we consume scripture with the same enthusiasm with which we devour our Thanksgiving feast?  Why don’t we savor worshiping Jesus as much as we enjoy stuffing ourselves with the food He provides? No one approaches Thanksgiving dinner as a discipline or a chore - and we shouldn’t approach worshipping God that way either. 

“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” …Suggests an eagerness more powerful than any anticipation of pecan pie I may eat this Thanksgiving! …. (Ok, ok… “will” eat). 

Maybe we don’t acknowledge how miraculous fellowship with God is, because we have forgotten how powerful God is…. Have we become entitled instead of thankful? Have we concluded that we are somehow “owed” our next breath? Are we now accepting the credit for the blessings that God alone has provided?

If we have the right perception of God’s holiness and immense power … The fact that He chose to sacrifice His only Son to redeem us from our own wickedness should overwhelm us with gratitude. 

Realizing that God loves me – should invigorate my life with appreciation. When I take refuge in the grace that provides a loving relationship with my Heavenly Father …I lack nothing.

That should be what we celebrate. Contentment and gratitude to God for His amazing grace should be paramount - and enjoying the meal should simply be a biproduct. That will happen naturally if you can grasp what you have been given, and who has given it to you. Otherwise, Thanksgiving will be just a self-centered celebration of gluttony. 

So, it’s up to you. Choose to live a boring, lukewarm existence, never satisfied and always searching for fulfillment. Or as this passage states, wholeheartedly taste of God’s goodness… in which case you will lack nothing!… That is a very clear, “If/Then” statement from God - and its validity is not in question – your obedience is the only variable. 

“I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude.”

– Brene Brown

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Matthew 5:8 11/8/2022*

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

My friend passed away last week, and this verse summarizes his life. 

As a high school coach and teacher, he changed the world …He didn’t do it by demanding recognition, he did it by serving … Serving others naturally flowed out of the purity of his heart. 

So, what does a pure heart look like? …What does purity mean?  It means freedom from contamination.  

Sometimes pureness is important …When my kids wanted to watch questionable movies, they would say something like, “it only has one bad scene”…and I would reply “So, there’s just a little dog poop in the cookies?”… Intending to point out that in some things…purity really matters. 

So, if a bad scene can ruin a movie – what can ruin a heart?  

It’s not just evil things that make our hearts impure. Hunger for money, reputation, power …are all things that Jesus called “weeds” that choke out good seed. Contamination occurs when we allow anything in our heart other than what it was created to hold…the pure love of God. My friend’s heart was so full of love for Jesus that there was no room for any other pursuit, and it showed. 

Jesus came to earth bearing the title “King of Kings”…yet He picked up a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. My buddy did the same… He  figuratively picked up a towel and washed feet every day. He served his students constantly - at school, games, functions… he and his wife even hosted dinner and bible study at their home regularly. Not because it was his job but because it was who he was. 

And it wasn’t just students…He encouraged everyone he met. My guess is, he was the only MD Anderson Patient, who gave doctors Chick-fil-A cards at his appointments …He couldn’t help it …his heart insisted on it. His love for Christ splashed out on everyone he met.

Because his heart was pure, we could see God in him… and Saturday night he saw God face to face and heard “well done good and faithful servant.”

Pray that God will fill your heart with the love of Christ …because the pure in heart will see God… and the indicator of a pure heart is serving others.

“What will you do today, pick up your title, or pick up your towel?”

-Bruce Hayes

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

John 15:14 11/1/2022*

“You are My friends if you do what I command you.”

Fasten your seatbelts…this morning might get a little rough.  Jesus was never vague about the requirements of discipleship. This verse sounds harsh today because it has become unfashionable to discuss the cost of following Christ. But the Bible is clear. Christians are to live differently. 

We are saved by faith alone, but the validation of our faith- is that it changes us. James 1:22 says we are fooling ourselves if we only listen to the Word of God, and don’t live it out.

God never offered cheap “fire insurance faith.” He offers life changing redemption through the gospel. 

But as Christians we have focused on His mercy,  to the exclusion of His Holiness. Our perception has been skewed by paintings depicting God as a feeble Grandfather, and Jesus as a victim.  That could not be further from the truth.  Exodus says “The Lord is a Warrior”…and Jesus’ occupation was a construction worker…There has never been anything weak or feeble about our King. He does not make requests, He gives commands. 

Fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the cost of following Christ is everything. When Jesus healed people, He said go your way and sin no more…that means change. 

Preaching repentance can make people uncomfortable, but it is better to offend people with God’s Word and point them to Heaven - than ignore His truths and leave them comfortably on their way to Hell. 

So, we all need to look in the mirror this morning. Is God changing us?  

Jesus didn’t die to make us comfortable…He died to make us warriors against forces of darkness …Are we fighting those forces, or are we contributing to them?  

If church is just a comfortable place to drink coffee and be entertained… it is not church. Church is challenging…it is motivating. Church is a pit stop intended to get you fueled up, talk strategy, and get you back out on the track to run the race God has commanded.  

Christ’s definition of discipleship includes obedience… make sure yours does too…Actively obey the commands of the King who died to save your soul. 

“Stale godliness is ungodliness. Let our religion be as warm, and constant, and natural as the flow of the blood in our veins. A living God must be served in a living way.”

―Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

PSALM 14:1 10/25/22*

“The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”…”

When I was young, my mom often quoted Matthew 5:22, which states: ”…whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.”. So, I want to be careful here…But by God’s definition we seem to have fools in our midst. 

When I first read this verse, I thought of the outspoken atheists….The University Professors and politicians who enjoy asserting that their intellect has revealed that God does not exist.  I assumed this verse was for them as they clearly fit this definition of a fool.

However, it dawned on me that while I don’t say “there is no God” with my mouth – there are times that I live like that is what I believe.

According to the verse – fools say there is no God “in their heart”-  and I think that is an important phrase. Apparently, I don’t have to say it out loud. If my heart allows me to live like there is no God, then I qualify as a fool, even if my words say otherwise.

It is hypocritical that my first thoughts were not of my own shortcomings …My own rebellion should always be my first focus, because that is what I can change.  

If I intend to walk in the wisdom of God,  I must become wise and discerning. I must boldly stand against the arguments of fools. To effectively do that, I must learn to recognize a fool when I see one…even if he is in the mirror.  

God is the Supreme Judge, and though I have been found guilty - He has paid my debt. Now I am to walk humbly with Him continually acknowledging His existence and power… 

So, this morning I will first endeavor to remove the splinter from my own eye so that I may see clearly enough to help my brother out of his own folly. And the next time I read about what a fool is, I will first make sure I don’t fit the description -  then I will try to help those who do, find their way to the loving Father who has redeemed me from the madness of this world. 

“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'” - C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Colossians 1:3-5 10/18/2022*

“We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints;  because of the hope laid up for you in Heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the Gospel…”

Does my faith and love spring from the hope stored up for me in heaven...or is it dependent on things here on earth? Do I spontaneously share the truth with those God puts in my path, and then pray for them?

Sharing my faith should be a joyful opportunity, yet sometimes I legalistically share, as though witnessing is a burden I must carry. That was never the design. 

We have been blessed to hear the Gospel and it should  produce the same joyful response in us, that it did in the Colossians.  

If we truly understand the grace of God, it should change who we are ...It should change how we act, and it should spring from us naturally as we tell others about our faith. 

This passage not only tells us what to do - but it tells us how to do it…. My attitude should be impacted by the hope stored up for me in Heaven.

That means that the incredible news that Jesus died for me and rose from the dead – paying my debt and freeing me from sin…should CHANGE absolutely everything about me. 

Nothing in my life is untouched by that truth.  Everything I do, say, and think, is impacted by the amazing grace of God.  I should be so full of gratitude for God’s mercy and grace that it splashes out on those I bump into.

How can we blame other people for not accepting our testimony when it is stale, lifeless, and delivered reluctantly? Who would be intrigued by a faith like that?

The joy of the Lord is your strength…live in it.  In the midst of the war, focus on the Gospel that God is on the Throne and has purchased your pardon. That is the life changing “good news”… Jesus offers redemption, and freedom…and that is what we should joyfully be sharing.  

“One faithful witness is worth a thousand mute professors of religion . . . Our faith grows by expression . . . we must share it…”― Billy Graham

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

PSALM 139:1-5 10/11/2022*

“Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I get up; You understand my thought from far away. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, Lord, You know it all. You have encircled me behind and in front and placed Your hand upon me.”

The idea that God knows me completely and loves me anyway is almost incomprehensible.  

Very few people really know me…Most know the sanitized, social media version of me produced for public consumption, but they don’t actually know me.  

My family has a clearer picture - they see the tip of the iceberg - my self-centeredness, and hypocrisy,  and yet God somehow still puts love in their hearts for me.

But this passage goes beyond that ….This passage says God has seen it all…the good, the bad, and the ugly.  He’s seen our worst moments and knows our hidden secrets. He knows the lies we tell others, and the truths we are afraid to face about ourselves. 

He has seen our opinion of those not like us. He has heard the words we mutter under our breath…He knows them before we mutter them. 

Yet still He adores us.

He protectively places His hand on us. When I visualize God with His hand lovingly on my shoulder, my mind can’t really grasp it. But even my limited comprehension of this truth should be enough to change my life - regardless of circumstances.

His undeserved love for me, is implicitly stated in scripture – how can I not boldly do His work. What should I fear if God knows me completely and has chosen me as His child anyway?... Isn’t the rest just details?

How liberating it is to be cherished authentically. We don’t have to be the cleaned-up version of ourselves for God to love us.  We are completely known, and completely loved.  

In our worst moments… we can rest in our Father’s Love - knowing it has been signed, sealed, and delivered by the Cross. 

“…neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Genesis 45:4 10/4/2022*

“… I am Joseph, your brother,” he said, “the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed or angry with yourselves that you sold me into this place, because it was to save lives that God sent me before you.”

Joseph looked at the brothers who had betrayed him and said, “don’t be distressed, God sent me here.”  He didn’t angrily point at them and say “your greed and jealousy caused my imprisonment”…He didn’t relish the thought of getting even… He said, “God sent me here to save lives”. 

Is that how I view difficult occurrences in my life?

It is not uncommon to see an athlete point to Heaven after a touchdown… but what about after a fumble?   We are good at figuratively pointing to Heaven after successes, but how do we respond to what we perceive as failures? 

Joseph trusts God with both. 

Scripture says it is impossible to please God without faith- and this is what faith looks like.  

I doubt that Joseph counted it as a “win” the day he found himself in the bottom of a pit, narrowly avoiding death, and being sold into slavery. But decades later, he realizes that is exactly what it was. 

So, what does it mean to have faith? Does it mean I believe God keeps small promises with reasonable deliverances? Should faith take a back seat to “being realistic”? When God’s plan deviates from mine, do I doubt Him?

What about you? In the bottom of the pit that you are facing right now, are you believing big, or living small? Are you pointing to Heaven in faith, or pointing at others with blame? 

The difficulty with perseverance is that there must be trouble to persevere through. You can’t see faith without a threat. So, make your choice. As you face your struggle today, will you be fearful, or will you count it all joy knowing God is in control?

It is motivating to read how Joseph trusted God for decades while going through challenging times. It is encouraging to see how he trusted God and did not allow circumstances to dictate his actions or attitude. 

But the real question is… is this just an entertaining story? … Or is it a templet I plan to follow?

“Faith obliterates time, annihilates distance, and brings future things at once into its possession.” - Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Genesis 3:5 9/27/2022*

“The serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die!  For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil.”  

There it is…. The big lie. “You will be like God” 

It is seductive because, like all good lies, it has a little truth in it.  

In football, I was like Jerry Rice… That’s accurate because we played the same position. He was a receiver and so was I.  But that is where the similarities end.

In the same way the serpent’s lie was accurate …Eve did gain the knowledge of good and evil…like God …but that is where the similarities end. 

“The big lie” plays on our arrogance. It leads us to believe what all false religions preach… that we are gods ourselves. 

The enemy uses “spiritual judo” to lead you down the path of self-deification.  In Judo you don’t try to stop your opponent, you use his momentum against him to pull him off balance and take him farther than he wants to go. 

So, if your propensity is to follow rules, satan offers legalism where you attempt to earn your salvation with obedience… If you desire forgiveness without repentance, satan offers cheap grace and makes you the definer of your own truth …which allows you to choose which parts of scripture you follow and which parts you don’t. 

The problem is that both paths focus on YOU …and YOU have no power to provide salvation.

Jesus called deception the devil’s native language so be vigilant. It should be a red flag when you hear what your prideful “itching ears” want to hear, and that should drive you to scripture to find real, unmovable truth. 

Lucifer is the predator, and you are the prey.  His weapons are pride and deception.  There is a God …and no matter what satan says,  it is not you. 

Reject the original sin of pride. Embrace the truth that your only path to salvation is the Cross. 

There is only one God, and you were not created to fill that position. You were created by that one True God to be the child that He adores… be grateful and walk humbly with your Lord. 

“…Pride directly attacks God. It lifts us above and against God, seeking to dethrone Him by enthroning ourselves.”― Joel Beeke

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Colossians 1:22 9/20/2022*

“But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation”

There are a couple of principles in this verse that we should look at today.

First, if you are in Christ, you are spotless. You have been reconciled by His death. The places that sin has gashed your heart have been healed. There are no scars, no blemishes. All remnants of depravity have been deleted. …It is impossible for your sin to be further removed from you. 

Second, your reconciliation is not the result of an abstract, imaginary sacrifice. Your redemption comes through the horrific, brutal destruction of the actual physical body of Jesus Christ. God didn’t ignore your sins…He sent His Son to physically pay for them.  Your transgressions were not painted over or buffed out…they received the violent destruction they deserved, and your debt has been paid in full. 

You don’t have to have a quiet time…give money…feed the poor, etc. in order to achieve salvation….Jesus did it all. It is finished. You do those things because He saved you – not so He will.

And to be sure we understand the completeness of this redemption  – God clarifies that not only are you innocent – you are without accusation.  God will not tolerate even the implication that you have not been made perfect by the payment of your debt.  The Cross has exempted you from all guilt and you stand before God unstained.

You have been granted comprehensive liberation. Jesus’ death and resurrection has destroyed the prison that for so long you have called home. The chains are gone, and the door is open.

Christ’s death and resurrection is a factual, historically documented event that grants you complete and indisputable freedom.  The law was not ignored it was fulfilled.

Your days of captivity are over if you will just walk out of your cell. The choice is yours….You are no longer a slave to sin; your debt has been paid and you are free.  Live in that freedom. Trust God and walk in faith.  His love has given you liberty. Use it to offer freedom to those around you who are still trapped in broken down prison cells which unbeknownst to them lost the power to hold them over 2000 years ago. 

 “…the truth will set you free.” - Jesus

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

John 4:17 9/13/2022*

“The woman answered and said to Him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You have correctly said, ‘I have no husband’;  for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this which you have said is true.” 

How would you have responded to that statement? 

In my arrogance I might have said “that really isn’t your business” or with self-pity said, “you don’t understand”…and walked away offended. 

In our culture we believe that whatever we do, say, feel, or think must be supported by everyone or we are being bullied.  If we are corrected in any way, we are being marginalized and mistreated and need a safe place to recover. 

Yet here Jesus takes a simple meeting - and because He LOVES her – turns it into a life examination. So again, how would you have responded?

The bible says, “blessed are the poor in spirit” and as Americans we struggle with that….We find it hard to believe being poor in anything is advantageous. But God says to inherit His Kingdom we must be poor in spirit.  

What does that mean?  

“Horizontally” it means we can be corrected without being offended. It means we have a spirit of humility that allows us to consider input from others. 

“Vertically” it means we come to God with the understanding that we have nothing to offer.  Salvation is not a negotiation it is a surrender.  You reject even the slightest implication that you have something of value to bring to the table. You not only accept God’s corrective law, you embrace it so you can live righteously. 

We have lost the ability to have “iron sharpen iron”, because our fragile self-image has caused our “mettle” to become so feeble, we cannot stand a little heat.

Stop pursuing validation from a crowd that is groping around in the dark. Instead, humbly go to the light of the world so you see clearly. Seek transparent conversations with friends you trust to help you grow. 

But most importantly, in brokenness go to God with a desire to learn wisdom and seek His guidance …Approach Him with a poor spirit and empty hands, and He will give you the glorious gifts He has for you. 

“Idolatry is when you become the source of your own joy. Poverty of spirit is a wonderful thing.” -  Paul Washer

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Ezekiel 9:4 9/6/22*

“and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” 

The book of Ezekiel teaches us that weeping and grieving over detestable acts is an indicator that your heart belongs to God. 

That is an interesting statement since some churches today won’t even use the word “sin,” much less grieve over it. Our society not only tolerates detestable things, we normalize and encourage them. 

What has my reaction been to the sins that are so prevalent today? At times I have been disgusted, offended, and even judgmental.  But I am not sure I grieve over them.  

What about you - Do you ridicule those trapped in sin? Do you roll your eyes and have contempt for them? …or do you weep over the souls imprisoned in wickedness?

If you ridicule, it means you have forgotten where you came from… Mocking those stuck in sin indicates you have forgotten being stuck there yourself. 

If you normalize and accept their sin it means you have decided that the endorsement of men is more important than the approval of God. 

People who are trapped in sin should definitely see a reaction from us, but it should not be approval, contempt, or anger …  It should be broken heartedness.

If we love people who are involved in something that is destroying them, we should grieve, and grief should drive us to our knees.  Mocking and arguing will not change a heart – but persistent prayer will… and prayer is the powerful response that God expects of us. 

So, if an angel were to go through our city today and designate those who grieve over sin – would I be marked?... would you? 

Jesus was clear that sin leads to pain, death, and eternal separation from God. It is not something to be discounted, amused by, or ignored. 

Pointing out sin may not be applauded, but not warning others is callous and unloving. We must call sin what it is…and weep over its destructiveness. The world will only know the amazing value of redemption by realizing the obscene filth from which we have been redeemed. 

“The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.” - George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

1 Corinthians 13:12 8/30/2022*

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.”

Some time ago, I had a discussion with a young man about the evidence of God. He finally said, “I have read the bible, and if God is real, I don’t agree with Him.”

Less than twenty years earlier this young man couldn’t change his own diaper, yet now he was confident that he could evaluate God and reject His ability to reign.  

We are not qualified to judge the Judge … You cannot  appraise what you do not comprehend, and you lack the ability to understand the Power that created you. 

We barely glimpse God’s Magnificence. We see it as though through a dark glass…because we wouldn’t survive seeing the entirety of His Glory.  God gives us freedom of choice, but it is ludicrous and dangerous to believe that God is on the auction block while we stroke our chins trying to determine His worth. 

Our arrogance has made us believe that it is His value that is in question – instead of ours.  

We are the accused…He is the all-powerful judge, so we should carefully approach Him and the way He has allowed us to approach is by faith.

When you step on the brakes -your car stops. You may not be able to explain why but every day you risk your life based on the faith that it will.

God exists … but trying to explain His omnipotence with human wisdom is like asking a kindergarten class to evaluate plans for the Space Shuttle. We are woefully inadequate for the task. 

If He reveals Himself to you – fall on your face and worship Him - It is the only logical response. 

There is a God…It is not you and He does not need your approval to reign. In fact, it will take your entire life for you to comprehend even a tiny fraction of His Power…and yet you matter to Him, He loves you.

Be joyful that the God you serve is too big for you to fully understand …if He wasn’t He would not be deserving of your worship. 

“Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.” - Arnold Toynbee

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Genesis 40:6-7 8/23/22*

“When Joseph came to them the next morning, he saw that they were dejected. So he asked Pharaoh’s officials who were in custody with him in his master’s house, “Why do you look so sad today?” 

Joseph was bullied, human trafficked by his brothers, forced into slavery, falsely accused of attempted rape, and wrongly imprisoned.  

He had a trauma filled past, and his present wasn’t much better… yet he cared enough about other people to observe that some prisoners were dejected and ask what was wrong. 

That question launched Josephs ascension from “inmate” -  to “Egyptian royalty” …His unselfishness set into motion a plan that would deliver him from prison - and place him in a position of power. 

Had Joseph been busy with self-pity he may not have noticed or cared that the other men were despondent. Had he been consumed by the unfairness of his situation he would have been unaware of their suffering.

In our culture we are taught to be self-centered. Society enables and encourages us to be hypersensitive to the slightest offense. It has become normal for us to be so self-engrossed that we believe we must be protected from any perceived insult. 

We are bombarded by the mantra that we must love ourselves, express ourselves, be ourselves without reservation….And yet the bible says to die to our self. 

That is quite a contrast…

The contrast is created  by who sits on the throne of your life. If you are on the throne – then all the self-absorbed foolishness makes perfect sense.  But if God is on the throne of your life - you will be so consumed by His glory there will be little time to worry about yourself. 

As a child of God your value has been established. His unimaginable love for you will so solidly define your self-image, that it will be anything but fragile.

The world tells you to be self-focused which is depressing.  But if you choose instead to be God-focused He will bring stability, and contentment to your life.

So, you have two choices…One leads to a shallow, self-centered existence while the other leads to a life full of love and usefulness…

Selfishness seldom makes you content or effective, while selflessness seldom fails to do both….you choose. 

“God creates out of nothing. Therefore, until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him.” - Martin Luther

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Luke 12:29…31 8/16/2022*

“And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying.... But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.”

When did we decide worrying is helpful? When did fear become our national pastime?

It has become our practice to wake up each morning expecting disaster. We blame the media for our paranoia, but the media is only a mirror. They sell fear because we buy it. 

For some reason purchasing toilet paper and gasoline have been deemed the  proper response to every threat. Logic has been abandoned and we choose anxiety every time. Prepare if you deem it necessary, but don’t  be obsessed and fearful. 

Time after time the manufactured predictions of disaster pass unfulfilled…Yet we continue to irrationally choose fear instead of faith.

And make no mistake, fear is a choice, and it does not come from God (2 Tim. 1:7). Each morning we have options…We can nervously approach the day standing in the quicksand of apprehension….Or we can stand on The Rock of faith and live joyfully. 

Are there dangers out there? …Sure. There always have been. Does worrying about them make them go away? …No, so stop worrying. 

Faith is the only road to peace.  

So, choose…. Do you want to be suspicious and fearful today or do you want to be faithful and have joy?  It is literally your choice… and it should be an easy one. 

Pessimism and fear will not change tomorrow, but they will ruin today.  Faith and Joy will not only improve today – they will also put you in the presence of the God who can change tomorrow.  

Refuse to worry for one day…Don’t allow fear in your mind and actively reject it when it appears …Try it today and see what happens…It will enhance your day with a refreshing calmness – and it will bring light and peace to those around you.

Tomorrow is in bigger hands than yours… and those hands have nail scars on them that prove they love you. God made today …so make the decision to trust Him and rejoice and be glad in it.

You and God can face tomorrow, tomorrow.

“You do not know the gospel, dear friends, if you have not obtained peace through it; peace is the juice, the essence, the soul of the gospel.”
– Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Joshua 4:8…9 8/9/2022*

 “Thus the sons of Israel did as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan” … “and they carried them over with them to the lodging place and put them down there. Then Joshua set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan at the place where the feet of the priests who carried the ark of the covenant were standing....” 

Joshua, the Commander, and chief of Israel, walked back after the people had crossed the Jordan and set up twelve more stones where the priests had stood holding the ark.  


The water would soon cover them, so they were not to serve as a reminder…There was no order from God to create a second monument,   and it didn’t focus attention on Joshua. 

I think it was an act of admiration for the priest who held the Ark as a million people crossed. I also think it was an act of worship for God stopping the water, and an acknowledgment that it was The Lord who made the crossing a success not Joshua’s ability.

He was preparing to lead Israel into battle, yet the calm, unselfish reflection of Joshua led him to venture back into the river and perform an act honoring his teammates and praising his Lord.

Love of God and Love of people is what creates great leaders. But many today are too busy securing their own power to give honor to others.  Consumed with their own image, they are hesitant to shine a light on their people. It is a self-centered, stressful, and ineffective way to lead.

What about you…do you celebrate the success of others? Do you highlight their accomplishments, or are you threatened by their success? Rooting for others is one of the most important attributes of a leader and a sure way to enjoy and excel at your job.

We are all leaders at some level. You may be a Military General, Manager,  Husband, Parent, Uncle, a Little League Coach, or Friend… but God’s approval must be your goal and your love for others must be your motive.  

So, enjoy the success of those around you and let them know it. Seek good for others and seek approval from God. That is the biblical recipe for leadership.

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. - Max Lucado

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Mark 10:20-21 8/2/22*

“And he said to Him, “Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth.” Looking at him, Jesus showed love to him and said to him, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 

Religion is a dangerous thing. In this passage the rich young ruler leans heavily on it, and it fails him. 

This wealthy young man wanted to add eternal life to his portfolio. “Religion” offers that option, God does not… Religion is an “add” transaction – But God only offers “relationship” which is an exchange.  You give all you have in exchange for all He did. You must pursue Christ alone - or not at all… 

Religion lies to you and says YOU can do this on your own…and YOU cannot. It doesn’t matter how many Sunday School classes you teach, Young Life trips you lead, Bible studies you host…you cannot earn salvation 

The cross is not a part of your redemption formula it is the entirety of it. Christ has offered to be your King…not a consultant.

If I find the greatest Olympic swimmer in the world - hand him a 50-pound barbell and drop him in the ocean, he will have a decision to make…drop the barbell – or drowned.  That is the decision Jesus gave the young man and it is the same one He offers us. Drop everything you are doing that you think will save you and follow Him.

Acknowledging God, working for God, talking about God – are all good – but the requirement is “following” God. You must abandon your reliance on prideful “religious” work and obediently pursue Him as your only means of salvation. 

Drop the weight of religion– and with both hands cling to a relationship with God. Your money, your reputation, your intellect, your possessions…are all meaningless when it comes to eternity.  

Cling to the cross.  Obediently follow His scriptures entirely . Don’t try to add God to your life – Give your life to Him to do with as He pleases. Die to yourself and live through Him. He is not offering to fix you – He is offering to make you new.

“Atonement by the blood of Jesus is not an arm of Christian truth; it is the heart of it”. - Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Colossians 3:23-24 7/26/2022*

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

This was my moms’ favorite verse… at least her favorite verse for me.  I had it quoted to me numerous times in various forms…and eventually the truth sunk in that if you’re going to do something … do it right.

As a youngster my goal was often to do things “good enough” …. good enough to pass inspection, or to go unnoticed.  But “good enough” is not God’s standard…and God notices everything. 

The word “whatever”, and the phrase “working for the Lord” removes all loopholes which would allow compromise.  There are no small jobs just small people. You should only do something if it is what God directs you to do…If He does, you must do it correctly…. And the end of the passage explains why.

God is your audience.  He is the only opinion that matters ….There is no need to google the mob’s view … instead search the scripture and move forward. Our downfall is that we seek directions from those who are lost…We are lemmings concerned about what other lemmings think as they plunge off the cliff.  

When I was a coach the phrase “Audience of One” was on our pants, Jerseys, and other equipment as a reminder of who we play for…. 

This made our job clear,  and that was to do whatever we did as if we were doing it for God. We were to play and coach as though there was only one person in the stands who saw every play, heard every word, and could read every thought. If you approach a job in that way – it will change your performance. 

God sees your heart.  He made life a team sport, so go out today and fight for your brothers.  Seek good for others, and don’t worry about what men think. If God said it, that settles it. There’s only one person you need to please. 

That sounds like a clear, simple pre-game speech. One I need to hear this morning before kickoff, so I don't get distracted.

“Work Hard. Do your best. Keep your word. Never get too big for your britches. Trust in God”. — Harry S. Truman

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Isaiah 6: 2-3 7/19/2022*

“Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.  And they were calling to one another”

The prophet Isaiah is given a glimpse into the Throne room of Heaven and attempts to describe what he sees. The angels around God are referred to  as “Seraphs”, which translates into “fiery ones”. They are fearsome beings, ablaze with purifying fire.  

Their six wings are used to protect their face from the raging glory of God, cover their feet out of respect for His holiness, and allow them to hover for immediate deployment as the most intimidating special ops forces of all time. 

To say the least - these ain’t your Christmas tree angels. These are the creatures that caused battle tested Roman Soldiers to faint in fear outside the tomb on Easter morning.  Scripture describes them as warriors engaged in combat against evil. These were the forces I imagine pressing at the gates of Heaven during the crucifixion, desiring to annihilate a world of humans who would disrespect their King. 

Terrifying, intense angels, yet even with their power, they must shield their eyes and bow before our magnificent God. 

So why today do we depict God as an elderly grandfather on the auction block for our consideration? Why do we pretend we are judges instead of those to be judged? 

Simply because it feeds our arrogance.  It makes us feel powerful…It is an absurd position to take when even these servant angels are more powerful than we can comprehend

Consider who you worship.  God’s glory should be terrifying and comforting at the same time. If you get just a glimpse of who you pray to, you suddenly understand the power of prayer. If you get a glance at the Holiness of God, it illuminates your sin, and reveals your desperate need of grace. 

We serve an omnipotent, all-powerful God.  He is incomprehensible an unapproachable - except for one thing…He loves you and has paid an incredible price to redeem you as His child. 

That is the most important statement you will ever read. 

“A necessary pre-cursor of any great spiritual awakening is a spirit of deep humiliation growing out of a consciousness of sin, and fresh revelation of the holiness and power and glory of God.”

- John R. Mott

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Colossians 3:5 7/12/2022*

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”

Read that list again. Isn’t it odd how we treat sin that is inside our “accepted circle”, compared to sin that is not? Some churches have ranked sins and deemed some more excusable than others, and “greed” sometimes falls into the “excusable” category especially if you provide funds for the church. 

But God’s list is pretty clear – It starts with sexual immorality – impurity – lust – evil desires…all of which most would say are not OK… These sins fall outside of the accepted circle and are usually worthy of negative attention. 

But then at the end of this list “greed” is dropped in - which to be honest is not really outside my circle … I mean, if you asked, I would say it is wrong - but it doesn’t cause me to recoil or be concerned about you.

So now you know my opinion - but read on, and you will get God’s.…

God not only doesn’t minimize greed… He equates greed with worshipping another god. He sets greed apart from the other sins, but in the opposite way …It appears, if anything, He makes it worse than the preceding list by deeming it idolatry.

In our culture we struggle with that. We measure so much of ourselves by what we have, compared to others.  At the microphone many thank God for their success, but few seem content or satisfied. 

We teach things that easily morph into greed…Things like drive, ambition, determination…all good things - until they lead to discontentment. Until they become how we define ourselves…Until they become our gods. 

Greediness is Idolatry.  It is as destructive as any depravity. We must see ALL sin for what it is …deadly disease that put Christ on the cross.  There is no “accepted circle” of sin. I need to treat anything that is not of God, like a snake and get away from it.   

If you’re not killing sin, then it is killing you. God doesn’t place degrees on death….there is light and there is darkness….Greed is darkness – it is a noose that slowly tightens around your neck…do not tolerate it, or it will own you. 

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”

― Socrates

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

PSALM 91:11-12 7/5/2022*

“For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. On their hands they will lift you up, so that you do not strike your foot against a stone.”

You might want to read that first sentence again.  It says there have been “Orders” given in Heaven concerning you. 

Angels aren’t guarding me just because they like me …God has called them to the throne this morning and said, “Here is what Boyd will need today… protect him”.

God did the same thing for you too. This verse doesn’t imply that God gives vague orders about the church in general. It says He looked a powerful spiritual being in the eye and said your name this morning…. He discussed specifics and gave orders regarding situations you will encounter today.

If that doesn’t amaze you – you’re not listening. 

You have been the topic of conversation in Heaven. God has commanded (not suggested) His angels watch over you. How can that not impact Your confidence today?   

Years ago, when I was coaching a high school football team, I jokingly told the team one day that if anyone talked to my daughter who was a freshman, the whole team would run…. The next day two senior players shadowed her through the halls of school, shooing away anyone who approached her. Not one conversation took place that wasn’t approved by those two players first. 

I picture something similar to that as I go through my day today. There are incredibly powerful beings with a vested interest in protecting me – They have been given orders concerning me specifically…. And they are serious about fulfilling those orders. 

There are nearly Eight billion people in the world, but this verse says there are angels that have orders, from God – about you and me.

So, as the News Anchor tells you the list of things you need to fear today – remember that.  As the internet “prophets” describe why you must be prepared to hide in your house, read this psalm. 

You can choose to live in fear if you want to, but when fear tries to steal my peace today, I will remember that there was a very high-level meeting in Heaven this morning, and I was the only topic on the agenda.

“Safety comes in our nearness to God, not in our distance from our enemies.” ― Dillon Burroughs

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Hebrews 5:12 6/28/22*

“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the actual words of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.”

How long have you been a Christian? …Accepting Christ is your spiritual birth, after which you should start to grow.  But in our comfortable, unchallenging churches, we seem to be showing up every Sunday for our bottle.

Paul is frustrated with the lack of growth among believers. He says they should be digesting the meat of the gospel and teaching it to others.

How about us?  How often do we discuss difficult theology?  We speak of the love of God, as we should, but do we ever talk about Hell, repentance, consequences of sin?  Do we even call it sin? Or do we attempt to remove responsibility by calling it a condition, or alternative?

Paul is telling us to grow up.  We must understand and teach others a biblical world view.  It may not be popular, but it is the truth. 

Your first bite of solid food is to understand that there is no such thing as “your truth” or “my truth”. There is only one truth – it is static, nonnegotiable, and established by an omnipotent loving God.

Some truths are hard to swallow, but necessary for growth. The meat of the gospel should always be served with the milk, but it must be served.

If you speak truth without love, you will have theological BO and drive others away.  If you speak love without truth, you offer weak platitudes and help no one. The fact is, you can offer neither, if you don’t offer both.

A mother would never neglect to introduce solid food to her baby simply because it is harder to digest.  She would carefully include the nutrition needed to develop a strong body, because she knows her child must grow to fight off the germs and threats they will face in this world.

You and I must grow for the same reasons. Dig deeply into the scripture.  Tackle the hard questions and study to show yourself approved.  The fight is coming. Will you be strong and lean, or weak and full of milk?

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” - Winston Churchill

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

PSALM 23:6 6/21/2022*

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

We have looked at every verse of this beautiful psalm except this one…and it may be the most powerful one of all.

When I was in 4th grade at Bunker Hill elementary school, my beloved teacher Mrs. Fredericks had us memorize the 23rd psalm and recite it to the class.

I have forgotten many things in the last 50 years, but I will never forget the day I recited this psalm.

Mrs. Fredericks was so proud, and later told me that I could think of “goodness and Mercy” as twin Dobermans that followed me around and protected me.  As a fourth-grade boy, that was all I needed to get interested in The Psalms.  I have never gotten that image out of my mind…and have always felt looked after and protected since that day.

This morning’s verse dovetails with the first verse of the 91st psalm.  Psalms 91: 1 says “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”.

This “911 Psalm” reminds me that when I dwell in the shelter of my King, I can rest easy in His shadow. A bear cub is never safer then when he is in the shadow of his mother, and I am never safer then when I stand with my King.

In this world which is filled with fear and anxiety it is comforting to have “goodness and mercy” growling at my enemies, and to know the shadow of the most feared warrior of the universe literally covers me.

But the final words of this verse are the most comforting… They assure me that this is not a temporary arrangement. When I accepted Christ, my eternal life began.  I will one day transition to a new body, but the old me has already been done away with - and my eternal soul now dwells, and always will dwell, in the house of The Lord. 

Walk today with “goodness and mercy” watching your back, and the Shadow of the “Great I Am” keeping you in the shade. And rest in the assurance that it will always be that way.  

“It is one thing to believe in God; it is quite another to believe God.” - R. C. Sproul

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Joshua 3:17 6/14/2022*

And the priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground, until all the nation had finished crossing the Jordan.”

The Israelites were facing a huge challenge. The Jordan river was at flood stage, and it stood between them and the promised land.  The annual flow of the Jordan today is about 2% of what it was, before multiple dams were constructed - and in biblical times at this location it was a formidable obstacle.

The Israelites were not Navy Seals with sophisticated equipment to forge a flooded river. They were families with children and possessions. Yet God’s instructions were clear…”Cross the flooding river”. 

Our verse says they crossed on dry ground - but if you read two verses earlier - it took a step of faith to make that happen:

15Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.”

Very clear language that the Priests stepped into the water but landed on dry ground. Their feet hit solid ground, in what moments before, was a raging river…

The water didn’t stop, and they took a step…. they took a step, and the water stopped.  That is a critical point.

In my life I prefer for God to stop the water and then tell me to walk – but that is not what happened here.  This passage tells us that the entire nation walked across without so much as a wet sandal. But it took that first step of faith to stop the flood. 

What raging river are you facing today? What situation is calling you to step into the water in obedience? Will you be like the priests whose feet touched the water’s edge and triggered a miracle? Their faith provided safe passage for all that followed them.

God is in the business of delivering His people - but our deliverance comes through faith and obedience. This morning you have a choice to make…As you face your obstacle you can turn around and leave, or gaze into the eyes of your Savior - and in obedience, take the step.

“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” -  Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Matthew 20:34 6/7/2022*

“Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.”

The last three words in this passage are important… What did you do when Jesus opened your eyes?

When Jesus touches your life there is no doubt that you will regain your sight … the question is what will you do with your newfound vision?

We are all either moths or cockroaches – the determination is made by which way we go when the lights come on.  Did you run to, or from the light?

In our heart of hearts, we all know we need a savior… We are aware that God is holy, and we are not - so we need deliverance.  But the rub occurs when we realize that we not only need a Savior - but a Lord as well. We have no problem being delivered – but we balk at following.  We want God to be on our team…but he requires that we join His.

These men were blind and called out for Jesus to help them.  When Christ compassionately gave them sight it changed their lives…it impacted who they were and where they were going. It altered their purpose and trajectory… What about yours?

Which way did you run when the lights came on?  Did you run toward Christ or toward your own cravings?  Did you dig into your bible and begin learning God’s Word?  Or did you use the sight He gave you to hide from Him?

If you are reading this – it is not too late.  If you ran the wrong way, like a great running back you can still “put your foot in the ground” and change directions. God restored your sight to allow you to see His Holiness and realize your need for deliverance and direction.  Accept the gift of the Holy Spirit and obey His directives and you can begin living life as you were designed to live.

Run toward the light. Stop hiding in the cracks and crevasses of this dark world and be like a moth that flies toward the glow of His love.

With clear vision, comes clear responsibility.  Use your vision to follow Him.

“The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are opposite sides of the same coin.” - A. W. Tozer

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Nehemiah 3:20 5/31/2022*

“After him Baruch the son of Zabbai zealously repaired another section, from the Angle to the doorway of the house of Eliashib the high priest.”

Nehemiah is leading a restoration project to re-build the wall around Jerusalem. There is great opposition, and his team is under attack.

They all have the honor of having their names recorded in God’s holy Word, but one stands out…His name is Baruch. …. He is the only one who worked “zealously” … If I had to guess, I would bet Baruch’s zeal was evident because he did his work with joy.  The joy of The Lord is our strength, and Baruch enthusiastically built his section and helped his neighbor, with godly zeal. 

Our world is full of sinical armchair quarterbacks who constantly complain and point out the flaws of others, but I bet Baruch was the type that just grabbed some tools and helped his neighbor work.

Each day there is ample opportunity for me to make myself look better by pointing out the mistakes of others - but what if instead, I worked with zeal to help my neighbor succeed. What if I allowed love for others to drive my passion and instead of assigning blame for a problem, I helped solve it?

This is such a great passage for today because each man did his part and, in the end, a massive work is accomplished.

We face an overwhelming task today.  There are so many problems in our country it is easier to just stand back and complain. But if enough of us picked up some tools and repaired just the problem in front of us, our country would move forward.  And if enough of us were like Baruch and joyously did a little extra – America could be restored.

Of course, it is easier to simply blame the other side for the problem but if we do that tomorrow will be the same as today.

I am not sure what part of the wall I am supposed to build today but I intend to do it with enough joy, and passion that people can tell I love them and am zealous for the Lord. If I do it right, some might be persuaded to stop complaining and start working. And only then will tomorrow be better than today.

“A zealous Savior ought to have zealous disciples.” - J. C. Ryle