Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Psalm 118:24 8/16/2016

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."

This verse tells us two things:

1. Today is not an accident.  It was created by God, who loves you.
2.  How you handle today, is your decision.

There is no "if" after this proclamation that "we will rejoice".  It is a definitive statement and it relies on nothing except the fact that God is in control and has designed this day. It doesn't say I will rejoice if things go my way, or if I don't have to suffer.  It simply states that I have decided to rejoice and be glad based on my knowledge of who is in control.

An athlete can rejoice in his pain, trusting his coach and knowing he is improving.  A patient can rejoice trusting his doctor and knowing the treatment is making him better.  Even in our darkest days, we can rejoice knowing God has created this day, is in control, and ultimately will use it to our benefit.

Everyone is fighting battles.  We all have a list of things we can worry about, and a list of blessing we can rejoice in... our attitude will reflect which list we focus on....the choice is yours.
And it is a choice.

Choose today to recklessly trust God.  Make the decision to rejoice and be glad today based on the promise that He loves you, and in due time will deliver you.

Someday you will see the plan, today you must trust the planner.

"The only disability in life is a bad attitude."
Scott Hamilton

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