Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Matthew 9:36 11/1/2016

Matthew 9:36 "When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

The crowds that came to see Jesus were comprised of various types of people.  Some who supported Him, some who didn't.  Some were apathetic and some were hostile towards Him.  Yet His heart hurt for them all because He knew they were harassed and helpless.

Are we that confident and perceptive?  Do we have compassion on the crowds because we know they are lost?  Or do we have contempt for them because they oppose us?   

Jesus' view came from a position of strength.  He was not threatened or intimidated by their opposition because He was confident in the truth.  Are we?  Are we secure enough in our faith to be more concerned about someones eternity, than our reputation?  Does our heart break for the things that break God's heart? Or do we become angry and defensive when we are disrespected?

Are we reacting to people, or responding to God?

As Christians we sometimes feel the need to "protect" our faith, when in reality it can defend itself. Your faith is like a pet lion...if you let it out of it's cage, it will have no need of protection.

Jesus was able to focus on the needs of others without fear because He was confident in the Love of His Father.

The Crowd will always be like a Chihuahua barking at a doberman... trying to give the impression that they are brave and secure...when in reality, like the little dog, they are scared to death. Have compassion on them. They are harassed and helpless, and you have the only truth powerful enough to set them free.

"Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world."
Francis Schaeffer

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