Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Proverbs 15:31 4/4/2017*

"Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise."

We often discuss how we should talk to others ... but what about how we should listen?

This verse talks about the side of the transaction that we sometimes neglect.  When is the last time you appreciated a correction?  When someone admonishes you, what is your initial response?

Most of us only hear about half of a reprimand before we begin to prepare our defense ... and our defense inevitably contains a counter- attack against the reprimand-er.

What if we changed that?  What if we actually considered the content when someone filed a complaint against us....even if the rebuke was delivered poorly, it may have some validity, and it's consideration could have a positive impact on us.

Real wisdom and positive change can only come from humility ... and humility can only come from confidence.

That sounds counter intuitive, but it is true. Confidence in your worth as a Child of God, releases you from any obligation to defend yourself, and allows you to consider all information without feeling threatened.  This puts you in a position to improve.

This week let's try an experiment. When someone reprimands you, hold your tongue for a moment
- and listen.

Honestly consider the information and determine what part, if any, has merit. After considering the input, respond in a appreciative, and respectful manner and see what happens.  My guess is, it will bless those who are honestly trying to help you, and greatly confuse those who are not. 

Either way, you will display maturity,  and process information that could help you. This is the only response that in the end, benefits you and makes you  at home among the wise. 

"The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. "
Helmut Schmidt

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