Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Genesis 50:20 10/24/2017

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

These words were spoken by Joseph to his brothers who had sold him into slavery. How did he avoid resentment? How can we?

The two most destructive emotions on the planet are bitterness, and self-pity. Faith destroys the environment they need to exist.

Trusting God changes your viewpoint.  It transforms you from a victim to an operative. It allows you to see how God can use what should have destroyed you to make you useful and effective against the enemy.

Faith gives you the patience to “let the play develop”.  It allows you to resist panic and wait for God to reveal His plan.  Nothing is more empowering then realizing that God “has your back”.

Confidence in Christ is what allows an alcoholic to both recover and move on to help others fighting the same battle. It enables those who have waded through unimaginable grief to rescue others sinking in it.  It equips battle tested “veterans” who can provide priceless guidance to those just entering the fight. 

Completely Trusting God changes you. 

If you are in the middle of the storm today, hold on.  Know that God loves you, and trust that He will carry you through…then turn your gaze outward and find the “many lives” you are meant to save through the rain.

"It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary."
-  Charles Spurgeon

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