Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Luke 19:10 12/18/2018*

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Jingle bells, hot chocolate, and snowmen are a great part of the holiday season… but this verse details the actual meaning of Christmas.

Jesus wasn’t sent to improve your life. He didn’t come to advance your situation, or to give you techniques to develop your career.

He came on a rescue mission. To seek and to save you … and the reason you needed seeking and saving is because you were lost. Not just a little confused or off course…you were utterly and completely lost.

So, God sent a solution. He sent a Savior. Jesus isn’t an addition to your life, He is your Redeemer.  He has completely altered your identity and destination and that is the true message of Christmas.

You were imprisoned and in great danger. You were in a hopeless situation that was unsolvable with your own strength.  And on a Holy night 2000 years ago a mission was launched to rescue you.

A child was born who would grow up and die for you.  Not to make you better, but to make you new....a clean slate with “paid in full” stamped on your old ledger. To give you a Redeemed life with a new direction and purpose.

If you are just looking to improve your situation by adding things to your life, then watch the shopping network, and infomercials.  But if you have realized that you need a Savior. If it has dawned on you that you need to be reborn and made new.  Then fall to your knees and thank God for Christmas.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” …and you and I were lost… but Christmas morning He came to find us, pay our debt, and set us free.

“The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. “- Charles Spurgeon

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