Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Matthew 6:6 4/30/2019*

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Prayer is a discipline.

In Thessalonians the bible says to “pray without ceasing” meaning constantly be in communication with God. However, this passage is addressing another type of prayer. The type Jesus practiced when He would slip away early in the morning to pray. (Luke 5:16)

This type of prayer requires total focus…not praying while you are doing something else, not driving to work, not while you’re stuck in traffic…but an appointment.  A time set aside to close your door and meet with God.

You absolutely should be praying in traffic, you should talk to God throughout your day, but you should also have a daily private conference with Him. A specific time that is set aside for you to be still and connect with God.

You would never have your iPhone out during a scheduled meeting with your boss. You wouldn’t multitask while talking to your largest client. Those meetings are too important…that is what this verse is saying.

This passage quotes Jesus giving us very specific instructions about a very specific prayer practice.  Why then is it so hard to do?  Maybe because the enemy desperately doesn’t want you to do it.

This type of prayer is usually born in crisis…it happens naturally when you have a problem.  But what if it happened every day?  How different would your life be if you met earnestly and exclusively with God every morning?

Let me challenge you as God has challenged me. Try it…make it non-negotiable for one week.

Every morning go into a room and close the door. Sit down, be still, and discuss things with God. Confess, repent, worship, bring your petitions to Him. Make a list. Take notes. Make it your war room and do business with your Lord.

This will be hard to do, but don’t back down… determine to do it for a week and my guess is you will never again want to live without the power this brings into your life.

"Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?"
- Corrie ten Boom

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