Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Jonah 2:8 6/9/2020*

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.”

The first commandment says “…have no other gods before Me.” That means that nothing should impact my life more than Christ. Nothing should have more influence on my temperament or my opinion - than my relationship with God.

If something does – I have an idol – and Idols distract me from God’s love.

Like many of you - I have been upset lately. There has been a sadness that is understandable with all the sickness, violence, and anger around us - but there was something else…an anxiety that was oppressive…a feeling of hopelessness.

In that situation I should turn to God… but I did not.  I turned from God to an Idol…or maybe I should call it an I-dol.  My phone.

When I was anxious I searched social media. When worried I checked the news sites.  I was constantly reading opinions and viewpoints as though they had power. I was scrolling through a worthless idol unsuccessfully searching for tranquility.

So, I stopped. 

I spent a day away from social media and news.  When I felt anxious - I searched God’s Word - not Facebook. When I was sad I went to my knees - not twitter.

The change was immediate. The oppressiveness lifted, and the power of prayer became my weapon. It transformed me…I regained my footing and I was able to respond in positive ways instead of being paralyzed by dread.

You should do the same – stay informed …fight illness and evil – love your neighbor - Think for yourself - research -  have compassionate conversations… but when you get fatigued and afraid do not run to an Idol for validation… run to Christ.

Do not cling to anything for stability but your Heavenly Father – If there is an issue too big for God - then allow fear to rule your day…but if not move forward in faith - not hopelessness. 

This is not a political post - nor the place for political responses. This is about idols - and what you run to in times of trouble. If you are adrift in a sea of anxiety and defeatism during these storms - you may have chosen the wrong anchor.

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” – God

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