Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Proverbs 6:6-8 7/28/2020*

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!  It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.”

Self-discipline seems to be disappearing. Our culture is becoming entitled and less willing to work. That attitude is not supported in scripture. If you believe that life is supposed to be easy, or that the world owes you something – then you and the bible disagree.

Scripture says we are to be responsible for ourselves and others. We are meant to work. Daily doing things that will produce a harvest not waiting for someone else to take care of us.

That may not seem compassionate, but there is a difference in being compassionate and enabling…Compassion for others is helpful. Enabling laziness is debilitating and destructive.

But don’t worry about applying this verse to others - because God wrote it to you.  You need to be disciplined. Like the Ant, you need a game plan and a way to implement it… starting today.

Working at the office… working remotely…or looking for a job…You need structure and routine.  Get up early and meet with God – turn off all distractions and focus…don’t wait for others to lead you…lead yourself. 

Discipline is taking small steps that lead to great destinations and it is life changing…The greatest athletes are the most disciplined. Successful entrepreneurs thrive on discipline.  Effective fathers and husbands are those who discipline themselves to the task. 

You will never be excellent by accident.

It may not seem like it, but the kindest thing I can say to you is stop wasting time wishing for things, and discipline yourself to achieve them. 

There are no short cuts. A mansion is built one brick at a time, so put a brick in place today…and tomorrow place another one. Never tolerate self-pity… no one can steal your discipline, so use it to build your dreams. 

Write down specific goals in every area of your life… layout steps needed to achieve those goals…then every day, take those steps.  

If you are not disciplined enough to commit to a year…commit to a day…and tomorrow you can commit again. 

“The best DO sweat the small stuff. They get the seemingly insignificant details right. They have the discipline to focus on the small things which gives birth to spectacular giant things.” -  Robin S. S

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