Tuesday, October 20, 2020

2 Corinthians 5:17 10/20/2020*

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

We usually look at this verse in the context of the freedom we have in Christ. He has made us new.  Our past is gone, our guilt is removed, and we walk in His righteousness.

This is the gospel, and we read this verse joyfully and acknowledge that we are redeemed and without guilt…

But this morning I want to look at it from a different angle. This morning let’s look at the fact that this verse is not only about how I see myself – it is also about how I see you.
We are quick to claim amazing grace and apply the blood of Christ to our sins - but we are slower to apply that same grace to the sins of others. 

This verse says I am a new creation – brand new. …But how can I claim that promise without extending it to you as well? 

Are there people in your life that you have forgiven for their sin - but not forgotten it?  Do you see them as “repaired” instead of brand new?

Even some in the church today, will say “don’t hold a grudge - but don’t forget what they did either”. But is that forgiveness?  

Should God see you that way?  Should He forgive your sin but keep you at a distance?  Should your account be wiped clean, but your value be reduced because you faltered?

We can’t have it both ways…. If “new creation” means “new” – then the old is gone away …Paul says “Behold the new has come” … he says look for yourself, I am a different person. 

I realize this sounds like a good way to get hurt again…and it is. 

Love is hard - and sometimes people fail us twice… sometimes they fail us seventy times seven times.  But that does not change the requirement 

If I believe I am new and redeemed – I must believe you are too. 

It creates great internal conflict when you define the word “forgiveness” one way for you, and another way for those who hurt you.

God will do the accounting for others - that is His job…He has wiped your account clean, so your assignment is to forgive, forget, love, and be free.  

“Forgotten is forgiven”. — F. Scott Fitzgerald

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