Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Isaiah 26:3 12/15/2020*

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.”

When is the last time you really felt peaceful?  

We have been told that peace is provided by money, power, popularity, possessions…  The problem is, of course, none of that is true.
Only God offers freedom from worry and anxiety… This verse says He offers “perfect peace” …. and that is the only kind of peace there is - If it is not perfect, then it is not peaceful. 

So, we would be fools not to examine this verse and understand what is being offered – What exactly is required to attain “perfect peace”?

Clearly it is not what we have been told… circumstances have nothing to do with peacefulness. What we think about, and where we put our trust are the two ingredients that matter.

So, if you are wondering why your life is not peaceful - write down the top 10 things you think about daily…then put the percentage of time you spend on each one…. There is your answer. 

If you are not trusting God - then you will have a list of 10 little idols that need to be removed from their position of power. They are distracting you with false promises that they cannot deliver. 

Make a new list – Make God number 1 and list all others as 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.  Trusting God means seeking His opinion.  Pursuing His plan. The question in all circumstances is “What is God’s opinion of my job, my stewardship, my family, etc.?” 

In all these matters put your trust in God alone – because He is the only one who has the power to affect outcomes... You do not control the things that bring peace – but God does. 

Take control of your thoughts…. Do not let them control you… Get a notebook and Journal the times God has delivered you from trouble and remember them when you are tempted to worry.
Peace is something that happens on purpose, it is never found by accident.
God has promised He will keep you peaceful if you will keep your mind on Him… While the world panics around you …take God at His Word and see what happens.
“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself…  because it is not there. There is no such thing.” -  C. S. Lewis

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