Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Daniel 2:14 1/19/2021*

“14 Then Daniel replied with discretion and discernment to Arioch, the captain of the king’s bodyguard, who had gone forth to slay the wise men of Babylon.” 

Daniel is an adviser to a king in a foreign land…He has just received news that he has been moved to death row - yet he responds with discretion and discernment.

Is that our response to bad news?  As believers, we teach bible, sing in the choir, sit on the front row at church - but when the chips are down – do we have faith?  When things get difficult, does our walk match our talk?

Mike Tyson once said “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” …Will my plan take a punch?... Is my faith solid or weak?
Daniel’s faith was solid - he kept his poise – ask some questions …then he and his friends went to God in prayer.

Is that how you respond to trouble? Do you answer with discretion, or do you fly off the handle?...Do you go to God, or do you run from the problem? Do you ask friends for prayer, or for pity? 

The answer depends on your faith. 

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). And faith is not faith until it is all you have left. There is no middle ground when it comes to actually trusting God. You cannot call it faith until you are leaning on it.

You can approve of a chair, you can enjoy the design of the chair, but until you sit down and rest in it – you don’t have faith in that chair.

Do you rest in your faith during times of trouble - or have anxiety while you talk about faithfulness?

Let’s take a lesson today from this prophet in the Old Testament facing a death sentence. Let’s respond with discretion and discernment to those who threaten us…not because we have false confidence in our position, but because we have supreme confidence in our God.
Faith is not a last resort - it is plan “A” …It is the strongest weapon you have and the only way you can live in peace and please God ….so the question today is…. Can your faith take a punch?...if not, it is not faith.

“Faith is not believing that God can. It is knowing that God will.” 
- Ben Stein

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