Tuesday, September 28, 2021

John 4:39-41 9/28/2021*

“Now from that city many of the Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all the things that I have done.” So, when the Samaritans came to Jesus, they were asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. Many more believed because of His word”

After meeting Jesus, how long should you wait before telling other people about Him? ... Apparently, just as long as it takes to find someone to tell.

The woman at the well was not qualified…. She had been married multiple times and was living with a man she wasn’t married to…but immediately after meeting Jesus she started a revival in her hometown. 

It doesn’t matter how bad your life has been…It doesn’t matter how sinful yesterday was – If you have met Jesus - you have a story to tell. 

Too often we think we are not qualified to share Christ because we haven’t been to seminary - or we have made mistakes that exclude us from talking about Jesus.  

This woman didn’t preach, she didn’t argue theology. She wasn’t qualified to answer questions with scripture, and she had a bad reputation…. but Jesus had touched her heart and that was enough to send her on a missionary journey. 

Many of us have been saved, changed, and educated – We have been in church for years…and yet we don’t speak up.  Fearful someone will know our history and call us hypocrites. We believe we are not competent to reach out to others – so we don’t. 

The difference between the woman in this passage and us - is focus – she wasn’t focused on her credentials; she was focused on Jesus. It wasn’t a religion or a program she was pushing - it was a relationship with a man who knew her every flaw - and loved her anyway.

What about you? Has Jesus impacted you in a way that compels you to talk about Him? Is your love for Christ more important than your reputation? Are you willing to be ridiculed to get some folks in front of Jesus?  

Regardless of your background or education…If you know Christ, you are qualified. Find the courage to say,” Come see the man that changed my life” ... and leave the rest up to Him.

“Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.” 

– Charles Spurgeon

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