Tuesday, October 19, 2021

1 Thessalonians 2:4 10/19/2021*

“But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not intending to please people, but to please God, who examines our hearts.”

Who is your target audience? 

In this age of Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms, we seek mass approval not truth. Information is not evaluated on accuracy, but on popularity. 

The news outlets now report twitter reaction to events instead of the actual event. Our daily focus is on pleasing people we don’t know - and who don’t know us.  

Canceling what we don’t like, we ignore facts, and paint a fantasy that satisfies our emotions. All the while projecting the “perfect” life we want others to believe we have - as we envy the manufactured lives our “friends’ display.

It is exhausting, and this verse says it is a foolish way to live your life. 

As Christians we have an audience of One. 

You have been approved by God and that is the only “like” you need.  You have been entrusted with His message and your assignment is not to trend well - but to speak the truth in love.

Imagine waking up today without any objective except to please the God that already loves you.  How liberating it would be if you didn’t know, and didn’t care what the world wide web thought of you?  

What a relief to release the burden of pleasing a thousand online judges - and replacing it with enjoying the Grace of God. The peacefulness that generates - is how you were intended to live.  

Only God sees your heart and only His opinion matters. Stop carrying around the expectations of others. Your goal is to please God, not people.

As Christians we are not to be fragile.  We are fortified by our Father and our value has been established.  We must focus on loving other people - not on impressing them.…Sharing the gospel with them and being intentionally oblivious to the negative opinions of those who don’t appreciate us.

A work of art is not offended by a bad review…. that is between the critic and the artist. Let your critics speak to your creator if they have a complaint - and you just keep joyfully doing what He designed you to do.

“What other people think of me is none of my business.”- Mark Twain

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