Tuesday, December 7, 2021

1 Kings 13 12/7/2021*

“The old prophet answered, “I too am a prophet, as you are. And an angel said to me by the word of the Lord: ‘Bring him back with you to your house so that he may eat bread and drink water.’” (But he was lying to him.) So, the man of God returned with him and ate and drank in his house.”

There is a difference in listening to men who claim to serve God - and listening to God. 

The prophet lied, proving all can sin …The man of God followed the prophet’s advice – though God had instructed otherwise – and costly consequences followed. 

We must never elevate man’s words above the Word of God.

This principal is reinforced in the New Testament when Berean Jews are praised for their devotion to scripture: “they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Even when listening to the Apostle Paul, they checked the content through existing scripture.

The danger in not doing this, is the temptation to look for agreement instead of direction. We tend to search for sources who encourage us to do what we already want to do. 

There is wisdom in having righteous advisers…but no matter who your advisers are, final confirmation must come from scripture and prayer.

In the gospels Jesus often says, “it is written”. That is the standard – You can read Christian books and devotionals – and they may be good additives to scripture…But the thing that matters, is your knowledge of God’s Word.

You cannot follow what you do not know. And you cannot know what you have not studied. 

Read your bible. Set up non-negotiable daily routines. Learn to ask questions through prayer and find answers in scripture. Study and learn to handle The Word well. Counselors are good – but their only purpose is to help you understand and apply what God has already written in your bible. 

We have the perfect compass. Memorize it – follow it relentlessly – and never entertain advice that conflicts with its guidance, no matter who that advice comes from. 

“What we need as Christians is to be able to feed ourselves.  How many there are who sit helpless, with open mouths, hungry for spiritual things, and the minister must try to feed them, while the Bible is a feast prepared, into which they never venture.” – D.L. Moody

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