Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Genesis 9:24-25 3/8/2022*

 “When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him.  So, he said, “Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brothers.” 

After the flood receded, Noah got drunk and fell asleep exposed in his tent. One of his sons, saw him and told his brothers.  Apparently, he intended to embarrass, not protect his dad, and that incurred a curse.

This is confusing because it seems like there is plenty of blame to go around in this story … But it does highlight an important truth.

God is serious about the 5th commandment, which says to honor your parents…and our culture has increasingly ignored it. 

Today, aging parents are seen as burdens. More and more people seem annoyed at having to take care of those who took care of them. This passage would indicate that path leads to a curse. 

“Honor your parents” is the first commandment with a promise and God is very serious about it being followed. It is not a “suggestion” and God has tied long-term effects to it.

There are many undeserving parents, but like all of God’s commands - the benefit of obedience goes to the “obeyer”. 

On the surface, it appears to only be advantageous to the parents, but in reality, it is even more beneficial to the children who honor them.

I have watched people be self-centered and unkind to their aging parents only to find out later that their own children were watching, and soon follow their example.

You reap what you sow, and long-term problems occur when we don’t follow God’s command and honor our parents even when they are not worthy of it.

If your parents are undeserving, you have an opportunity to break some generational chains. You have the chance to change your family legacy and build a better future for your children and grandchildren.

If you have been blessed with loving parents, the obligation is even more obvious….

Either way - It is not our job to determine our parents’ worthiness of honor, we are simply instructed to grant it to them.

Choose to honor your parents while they are here. Do it because God said to… and it will be credited as obedience, securing peaceful memories and blessings when they are gone.

 “Honor your parents and the Lord will honor you.”
- Woodrow Kroll


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