Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Colossians 1: 9-10 11/22/2022*

“For this reason we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,  so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord…”

What was the “reason” Paul was praying for the church in Colossae? Were they organizing a revival?  Was there a planned membership drive?

Nope - He was praying unceasingly that those who had received salvation would grow in faith and obedience. 

Today we sometimes act as though our job is completed once someone accepts Christ … We tend to measure success as a church by how many “decisions” are made.  Those are marvelous numbers to hear - but this passage says that is the beginning…not the goal.

It seems we might be spiking the ball in celebration after the kickoff not realizing the game has just begun. Commitments are wonderful and we are saved by faith alone, but we are saved to honor God and lead others to Him. The great commission is to make disciples, not just converts.

Paul prayed that God would fill them with knowledge through the Holy Spirit which would transform them…allowing them to walk in a manner Worthy of The Lord.

The focus is not only to turn around, but to live in a way that removes all doubt that you have been redeemed. Christianity is a team sport…We are one body, with one goal and must pray continuously for each other. 

Do you pray for your Christian friends to produce fruit? ….Or do you only pray for the lost?  In this passage Paul asks God to help Christians in the church to chase what matters. 

The target is creating disciples…followers…changed people.  People who have been born again and glorify God with their lives.

Absolutely, pray earnestly for your friend’s salvation, but when that prayer is answered, continue praying, and start discipling those friends so that they can grow in knowledge affirming their salvation by walking closer to God each day.

When our life on earth is over, and we have faithfully led others into the arms of Jesus and helped them walk in a way worthy of Him….Then we can spike the ball.

“Conversion is turning onto the right road. The next thing to do is to walk on it.”— Charles Spurgeon

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