Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Genesis 5:32 1/24/2023*

“Now after Noah was five hundred years old, Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”

Noah’s dad Lamech was 182 years old when Noah was born, His grandfather Methuselah, was 187, and his great grandfather Enoch, was 65 when they started having children. So, Noah came from a prolific family with godly lineage.  But it took Noah twice as long to begin having children as any of his ancestors. 

In those days kids were seen as security. Sons were needed to work as parents aged. Noah probably prayed for a large family to insure his future. Yet for centuries the answer was “no”…or at least “wait”. 

This was problematic because Noah had no one to help him….and because childlessness was seen as a curse which impacted Noah’s social standing as well. He most likely prayed passionately for a son…yet God was silent.

What happens when you pray for something but hear no answer? Do you see it as punishment, or as an indicator that your prayer life needs work?  Consider that in this instance… God waiting to answer Noah’s prayer was not a punishment, but an act of mercy. 

Noah had no idea the world would be destroyed by a flood. He couldn’t foresee the problem a large family would face trying to survive on the Ark for a year. By keeping Noah’s family small, God insured none would be left behind … God’s timing was perfect, allowing Noah’s sons to become married men who could continue the human race - but not allowing the family to grow so big that they couldn’t all get on the boat. How merciful of God to save Noah from that dilemma. 

God’s plans are harder to understand for those of us who cannot see the future. Is there something you’ve been praying about for what feels like a long time?  Keep praying… Remember who you’re talking to and bear in mind that His vision is better than yours. Lean into the trial, trust God,  and look for His plan. 

Remember that Noah had years of waiting for an answer… which he probably questioned. He may have even gotten angry, convinced that his plan was better than God’s.  But my guess is that all that changed - as soon as it began to rain.

Never make the blunder of trying to forecast the way God is going to answer your prayer. – Oswald Chambers

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