Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Revelation 8 6/11/2024

 “When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.”

Will this be the first time there will be no sound in Heaven? One half hour of quiet… Will the four-winged creatures in Revelation stop saying Holy, Holy, Holy?  Will there be no praises, no prayers from the saints, no singing? …. Just an ominous threatening silence. What a frightening moment that for the first time ever there will be silence as God prepares to judge the world.

I am disgusted as I imagine the mask wearing and finger pointing on earth when the trumpets begin to sound – As judgement comes our self-centeredness and decadence will be put on full display and we will do as we always have… blame others. But when the 7th seal is broken there will be no excuses or blaming…  and instead of being disgusted at the hypocrisy on earth I need to be sure I eliminate any trace of that hypocrisy in me. 

This passage is a prophecy, and it will be fulfilled exactly as it is presented here - just like so many others in the bible already have been. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God is “love”, but this confuses us because we miss define love.  We think of God as a feeble heavenly grandfather and that does not describe the omnipotent Lord of Armies we see in Revelation. Holiness is a requirement if we wish to be in the presence of The Lord.  

This chapter makes it clear that judgement is coming…  it won’t be relative… there will be no grading on the curve. There is a holiness required that can only be met by the saving grace of Jesus Christ… it is free, but it is priceless.  I need to be working out my salvation with fear and trembling – relying wholly on the blood Jesus shed on the cross… and letting my conduct reveal that fact. The thirty minutes of silence is coming… What you do now will determine what you hear after that…  Accept His grace and let it be “well done good and faithful servant.” 

“All the grace contained in the Bible is owing to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior; and, unless we consent to Him as our Lord we cannot expect any benefit by Him as our Savior.” – Matthew Henry

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