Tuesday, July 25, 2017

John 3:30 7/25/2017*22*

"He must become greater; I must become less."

Most of us are OK with the first part of this verse, but we struggle with the second.

It goes against our nature to try to decrease in importance.  What we desire is for Christ to increase and we increase with Him.

The problem with that scenario is our job description.  We are flashlights, used to help others find the light switch.  Individually and collectively the church is supposed to lead others to Christ.  As mere reflections of His love we, by definition, will fade once our convert finds the source of love.

Understanding this verse can reduce anxiety and confusion for us.  It is not that we are to decrease by loving less, or not trying as is simply the nature of the arrangement.  Once the sun appears the brightness of the stars fade.  The stars have not changed, the environment of the viewer has.

Can we really "die with Christ" and have Him live through us?

The enemies' original weapon is "self ____" - conceit, Pity, loathing, absorption... Fill in the blank. What ever you put there will be a distraction because it is still about you.

Even the misinterpretation of this verse, resulting in a conscious self-centered humility, is destructive. The goal is not to think low of yourself, it's to  not think of yourself at all.

We must decrease, we must must be Christ living in us.  If we can get there, it makes us immune to all insults, compliments, attacks, and praises. All of those are powerless to distract us if our goal is to show people the "light switch".

Strive this week to disappear.

Not  to feel good about yourself, not to feel bad about your self...disappear.

Have your needs met so completely in Christ that you need nothing but the opportunity to show His love to others.

“There are two types of people--those who come into a room and say, ' here I am!' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are."
―Frederick L Collins

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