Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Matthew 16:18 7/17/17*15*

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Why did Jesus choose Peter?

Peter is the linebacker of the Apostles. He reacts. He rushes in. He is passionate and spontaneous.

His mistakes are documented in scripture more than any other Apostle:
- he almost drowned when he walked on water - and was reprimanded.
- he cut off a soldiers ear in the garden defending Christ - and was reprimanded.
- he told Jesus that he would not allow Him to be crucified - and was reprimanded.
- he said he would die before denying Christ - and was reprimanded with a look, after denying Him the third time.
- and the list goes on and on...Why build the church on him?

The answer is in Peter's bold proclamation that Jesus was the "Christ...the Son of the living God!" Peter knew who, and what, Jesus was, and that moved him to action.  This is the attribute that made Peter the foundation that hell could not prevail against.

His passion for God moved him and overpowered any fear of failure.  He was not so concerned about his reputation that he was afraid to act.  Peter was "all in"...with nothing held back, and that is what God used to build the church.

Today we suffer paralysis by committee.  We hedge every bet, and make sure we have no possibility of embarrassment before we act. Each move is calculated to be sure we are protected. We have become so fearful of ridicule that we choose not to try.

Nothing can be built that way.

We must become men who realize "He is the Christ, the son of the living God".  And that knowledge must eliminate all hesitation.

Be a little reckless with your faith today.  If God prompts you to speak, start talking.  If God whispers for you to help someone, do it.  If someone needs something you can provide, give it to them.

God builds things with people who move.

Get out of the boat.  You will probably get wet, but you also might walk on water.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -  Wayne Gretzky

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