Tuesday, June 12, 2018

1 John 3:1 6/12/2018*

“Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!”

Have you done that today? Have you considered the incredible Love God has bestowed on you?

The word “behold” means to look at it, think about it, contemplate it.

Of course, that takes time. And if you’re like me, you are too busy to “be still”, put down your phone, and think about the fact that God loves you.

But you should… because He loves you so much He arranged the most expensive adoption in all of history. He paid the ultimate price, so you could call Him Daddy. And He did it while you were rejecting Him.

What manner of Love is this?...  It’s not a rhetorical question. How and why would God deem you worthy of that kind of love? The enemy’s main objective is to keep you from considering that.

Because the answer to that question will change you.  It will define you. You will no longer strive for acceptance. Your self-worth will be established, and your value will be indisputable.

Ironically, all of that will become irrelevant. Because your attention will turn to others as you become complete. If you will contemplate this love it will become your foundation and it will literally set you free.

When you realize that God not only “loved the world” but specifically loves you, the chains will fall away.

What manner of love is this? … Set aside time today to consider that question. It is really the only question that matters.  It establishes who you are, and what you do…everything else is just details.

“Sociologists have a theory: you become what the most important person in your life thinks you are… How would I change if I believed the Bible’s words about God’s love for me, if I looked in the mirror and saw what God sees?”
 Philip Yancey

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