Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Proverbs 12:22 6/19/2018*

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Sports, politics, relationships, business… lying has become an accepted, and expected practice. It is tolerated and, in some arenas, even sought after.

Yet scripture is clear that the Lord “detest” lying lips.

So why does God hate something that doesn’t really impact Him?  God never has been, nor ever will be deceived… so why is He so offended by untruths? He hates lying because it interferes with our ability to love each other. 

At times, we can be selfish, and rude to each other, and of course that will damage a relationship. But lying goes a step further.  When you lie to someone, you not only hurt the relationship, you also damage the only tool you have to repair it.  

Friendships are restored when we sit down and talk to each other… but if what we say cannot be trusted, it interferes with the healing process. Therefore, God detests it… because it extends the pain of His children.

Deceitfulness never removes the pain from a difficult situation… it only postpones it…and when it arrives it is then magnified by the lie.

What would happen if we took God at His word and decided that telling the truth was our only option?  In this world, where absolutes are harder and harder to come by, let’s make this one non-negotiable.

Speak the truth. Decide to be trustworthy.  Wounds from deception fester and become infected…but hurt that comes honestly will heal.

The only way to truly love others is to be honest with them.

“Never lie, never cheat, never steal.” -  John Wooden

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