Tuesday, May 19, 2020

John 14:15 5/19/2020*

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Jesus spoke these words and they are not difficult to understand.  In the original language they mean… “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

Yet many people do their best to interpret them in some other way…any other way!  Desperately trying to secure grace without sanctification. Trying to find a way to twist the words of Christ into fire insurance so they can keep living as their own god.

We love the gospel…the good news that we are redeemed…but we balk at obedience…. nevertheless, redemption is always offered with transformation.

Why would God pay for your sin and not deliver you from its power?  Grace and sanctification are the bookends of salvation.  They identify it as valid and offer assurance to the believer.

If you try to claim grace without sanctification - you end up with license.
If you strive for sanctification without grace - you are involved in legalism.

The definition of salvation requires both…  Which brings us back to our verse - “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

You are saved by grace alone - but saving grace is never alone…It changes you.  Ignoring this truth results in people carrying around chains that were unlocked years ago… and worse, others confidently lost in their religion.

This point was too important for Christ to mince words… He said “it is finished” - he was referring to the rescue mission that freed you from the power of sin.  You are no longer a slave to your old life - you have the ability to resist temptation. You may not be perfect…but you will be different.

Scripture is clear …resist the devil and he will flee from you…Stop sitting in your open prison cell … The cross not only paid for your sin, it freed you from its power. You are pushing a Ferrari…get in, start the engine, and go.

Stop listening to the lie that you must obey your flesh… that body perished, and you have been reborn.  There is nothing sadder than a Prince living like a pauper…put on the armor of God and live like the champion God made you to be!

“Sanctification grows out of faith in Jesus Christ. Remember holiness is a flower, not a root; it is not sanctification that saves, but salvation that sanctifies.” - Charles Spurgeon

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