Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Matthew 6:7 5/5/2020*

“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”

How passionate is your prayer life?

In this verse, Jesus is warning us not to allow our prayers to become religious rituals that we recite so we can check a box. Babbling unemotional phrases does not change anything.

Prayer should be the most intense part of your day. Meeting with God should impact you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It should be exhausting and rejuvenating at the same time.

Routine prayer is not the objective…Life changing, impassioned communication with God is the goal.

Jesus prayed so deeply He sweat blood; Jacob had a new name and a noticeable limp after wrestling with God.  Moses’ face glowed after meeting with the Lord. How big of an impact has prayer had on you lately?

Maybe your expectations are too low…Perhaps prayer is more powerful than you imagine. Could it be that you are neglecting your most formidable weapon?

When Christ died, the vail separating man from God in the temple was torn in half (Matt. 27:51). His death allowed us unrestricted access to the Father.  The price Jesus willingly paid would indicate the value of communicating directly with God is enormous.

Prayer is the only thing you do that effects real change in areas you otherwise cannot control. Worry alters nothing and ignoring problems does not make them go away. But walking into the Throne Room of God and hitting your knees changes everything.

Let me encourage you to re-evaluate your prayer life. Maybe you should raise the bar.  Quit asking for mundane things… Stop regurgitating monotone phrases…Get serious with God.  Write down your prayers and assess them often. Be passionate and personal with your Father.  Consistently be still and listen…it will change your life.

However, be warned…. if you choose to do this it will be difficult…The enemy will do anything he can to distract you because prayer is the only power you have that he fears.

Fight for it…. You are missing blessings if you are not impacted every time you meet with God. 

Circumstances do not determine the vibrance of your life…time spent with your Father does.

“I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual temperature than this, the measure of the intensity of your prayer.” – Charles Spurgeon