Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Colossians 3:17 3/9/2021*

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father…”
If Paul had been writing to some old athletes he might have used the phrase “keep your head in the game”.  Or he might have said, “whatever you do always remember who you play for”.
Being a disciple is not a side gig… There are no part-time Christians. Jesus said you are either for Him, or against Him – There is no middle ground. Everything means EVERYTHING. No matter what I am doing – people should see the fingerprint of God on my activities.
It is popular to say that life is complicated, but it rarely is... Life can be difficult, but most of our struggles come, not in determining what is right…but in deciding whether or not we are going to do it.
However, if we commit to a team…commit to doing everything with the goal of pleasing God, our path becomes obvious.  You seldom have to search for God’s Will, because He seldom hides it. 
If you will remove the distractions and determine to do and say everything in the name of Jesus, most decisions will become evident. It is when you entertain other motives that your way becomes murky.
The bible is a “light unto your path” and the way to please God and avoid stumbling is to leave the light on so you can see where you are going.
Know your playbook, accept it as it is written. Never change the Bible to make it palatable. Reject “Progressive Christianity” …Truth does not change to fit culture…It is our culture that needs change.
If you are struggling – be sure you are struggling to follow God - not struggling to rationalize your lack of obedience? Do not strive to do good things so God will love you – Do them because He loves you … Obedience is born of gratitude.
Life is easier when you have decided where you are going. Have Faith in the Word of God and do EVERYTHING in the name of Jesus. Eliminate the duplicity in your life so the confusion will disappear, and you will become a decisive man of God who walks in confidence.
“Cling to the whole Bible, not a part of it.  A man is not going to do much with a broken sword.”
– D.L. Moody

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