Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Proverbs 4:23 3/2/2021*

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.”
How do your choices of entertainment stack up to this verse? Are you diligent about what goes into your heart and mind?
The constant theme in scripture is - what you plant, will grow…so how careful are you about your harvest?
A while ago I decided to stop allowing things to dull my senses. There are no neutral influences, so I decided to be more careful about what I allow in my head. I want to challenge you today to do the same thing.
The next time you pick up the television remote – instead of mindlessly putting on that series that compromises your values – or the monotonous one-sided news that gives you stress…. try doing something beneficial.
Go on Prime, or Netflix, or whatever source you have - and search names like Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Spurgeon, Anne Graham Lotz, Corrie Ten Boom.  Click on documentaries or movies about men and women that God has used to impact eternal souls.
Or search for “The Chosen” or other bible-based shows that help you visualize and contemplate scripture. There are more of these types of programs than you might imagine.
Once you have viewed one of these shows, most platforms will suggest others of the same kind, and you can begin spending time being both entertained and enriched…  Educating you, encouraging you, and challenging you to do more with your life than watch sitcoms.  Try this for a month…the change in your mindset will astound you.
Time is the only thing we cannot get more of - and every hour spent “bingeing” on a fictional series is a wasted hour. And every time I compromise my morals to be entertained - I numb myself to the destructiveness of sin. 
Guard your heart for from it springs your life…What I allow in my heart will grow and produce fruit…good or bad – depends on the seed. 
Do not be deceived…. saying “there is just a little filth in this show” is like saying there is “only a little dog poop in the cookies” ….it matters what you consume.
This verse says that if you improve the input - you will experience better results. If you believe that – then make the change.
“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”
-Marcus Aurelius

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